on: [ push ] jobs: blog-pim: runs-on: docker container: image: git.kun.is/home/forgejo-nix-action:687d16c49ea7936068bac64ec68c480a9d681962 env: GIT_COMMITTER_NAME: Forgejo Action GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL: noreply@git.kun.is GIT_AUTHOR_NAME: Forgejo Action GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL: noreply@git.kun.is steps: - name: Clone repository run: git clone ${GITHUB_SERVER_URL}/${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}.git src - name: Setup Nix cache run: | /bin/attic login local ${{ vars.ATTIC_URL }} ${{ secrets.ATTIC_TOKEN }} /bin/attic use ${{ vars.ATTIC_CACHE }} - name: Build image run: nix build --out-link image ./src#packages.x86_64-linux.container-image - name: Push image to Nix cache run: /bin/attic push ${{ vars.ATTIC_CACHE }} image - name: Log into container registry run: /bin/skopeo login --tls-verify --username ${{ vars.RUNNER_USER }} --password ${{ secrets.RUNNER_TOKEN }} ${GITHUB_SERVER_URL} - name: Push image to container registry run: | /bin/skopeo --insecure-policy copy docker-archive:image docker://${GITHUB_SERVER_URL#https://}/${GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER}/blog-pim:latest gitrev=$(git --git-dir src/.git --work-tree src rev-parse HEAD) /bin/skopeo --insecure-policy copy docker-archive:image docker://${GITHUB_SERVER_URL#https://}/${GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER}/blog-pim:$gitrev - name: Clone nixos-servers repo run: git clone https://${{ secrets.RUNNER_TOKEN }}@${GITHUB_SERVER_URL#https://}/home/nixos-servers.git nixos-servers - name: Update Nix input on nixos-servers repo run: nix flake lock --update-input blog-pim ./nixos-servers - name: Push changes to nixos-servers repo run: | git --git-dir nixos-servers/.git --work-tree nixos-servers add -A git --git-dir nixos-servers/.git --work-tree nixos-servers commit --message "Bump blog-pim Nix flake input" git --git-dir nixos-servers/.git --work-tree nixos-servers push