--- - name: Setup Atlas hosts: atlas handlers: - name: restart postgres systemd: name: postgresql state: restarted - name: enable interfaces command: cmd: ifup -a - name: restart sshd systemd: name: sshd state: restarted tasks: - name: Update apt: autoremove: true upgrade: yes state: latest update_cache: yes cache_valid_time: 86400 - name: Install packages apt: pkg: - qemu-kvm - libvirt-daemon-system - postgresql - python3-psycopg2 - sudo - bridge-utils - name: Start libvirtd systemd: name: libvirtd enabled: true state: started - name: Add root to libvirt group user: name: root groups: libvirt append: yes - name: Disable apparmor systemd: name: apparmor enabled: false state: stopped - name: Create terraform database postgresql_db: name: terraform_state owner: terraform become: true become_user: postgres - name: Create database user postgresql_user: name: terraform become: true become_user: postgres - name: Grant database user access to database postgresql_privs: type: database database: terraform_state roles: terraform grant_option: no privs: all become: true become_user: postgres notify: restart postgres - name: Allow remote access to database for user postgresql_pg_hba: dest: /etc/postgresql/15/main/pg_hba.conf contype: host databases: all method: trust users: terraform address: "" create: true become: true become_user: postgres notify: restart postgres - name: Open postgres port ini_file: path: /etc/postgresql/15/main/postgresql.conf section: null option: listen_addresses value: "'*'" notify: restart postgres - name: Copy interfaces configuration copy: src: dmz.conf dest: /etc/network/interfaces.d/dmz.conf notify: enable interfaces - name: Add backup user user: name: lewis create_home: false password: '!' shell: /sbin/nologin system: true - name: Add backup user principals file copy: dest: "/etc/ssh/lewis_principals" content: "backup" - name: Install user CA copy: dest: "/etc/ssh/user_ca_key.pub" content: "{{ user_ca }}" - name: Copy ssh config for backup user copy: src: "sshd.conf" dest: "/etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/custom.conf" notify: restart sshd roles: - githubixx.ansible_role_wireguard