# nixos-servers Nix definitions to configure our physical servers. Currently, our three main servers are all Nixified! ## Additional documentation - [Kubernetes](docs/kubernetes.md) ## Prerequisites 1. Install the Nix package manager or NixOS ([link](https://nixos.org/download)) 2. Enable flake and nix commands ([link](https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Flakes#Enable_flakes_permanently_in_NixOS)) 3. Install Direnv ([link](https://direnv.net/)) 4. Allow direnv for this repository: `direnv allow` ## Bootstrapping We bootstrap our physical server using [nixos-anywhere](https://github.com/nix-community/nixos-anywhere). This reformats the hard disk of the server and installs a fresh NixOS. Additionally, it deploys an age identity, which is later used for decrypting secrets. ⚠️ This will wipe your server completely ⚠️ 1. Make sure your have a [Secret service](https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/auth/Secret-Service-API.html) running (such as Keepassxc) that provides the age identity. 2. Ensure you have root SSH access to the server. 3. Run nixos-anywhere: `./bootstrap.sh ` ## Deployment To deploy all servers at once: `deploy` To deploy only one server: `deploy --targets .#` ## Known bugs When deploying a new virtiofs share, the error `Failed to connect to '.sock': No such file or directory` can occur. This seems to be a bug in `microvm.nix` and I opened a bug report [here](https://github.com/astro/microvm.nix/issues/200). A workaround is to deploy the share without `deploy-rs`'s rollback feature enabled: ``` deploy --targets .#lewis --auto-rollback false --magic-rollback false ```