{ pkgs, lib, config, dns, ... }: let cfg = config.lab.dns; publicIpv4 = ""; kunisZoneFile = pkgs.writeTextFile { name = "kunis-zone-file"; text = (dns.lib.toString "kun.is" (import ./zones/kun.is.nix { inherit dns publicIpv4; })); }; geokunis2nlZoneFile = pkgs.writeTextFile { name = "geokunis2nl-zone-file"; text = (dns.lib.toString "geokunis2.nl" (import ./zones/geokunis2.nl.nix { inherit dns publicIpv4; })); }; in { options.lab.dns.enable = lib.mkOption { default = false; type = lib.types.bool; description = '' Whether to enable an authoritative DNS server and DNSmasq for DMZ network. ''; }; config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable { networking.firewall = { allowedTCPPorts = [ 53 ]; allowedUDPPorts = [ 53 67 ]; }; services = { bind = { enable = true; forwarders = [ ]; # TODO: disable ipv6 for now, as the hosts themselves lack routes it seems. ipv4Only = true; extraOptions = '' allow-transfer { none; }; allow-recursion { none; }; version "No dice."; ''; zones = { "kun.is" = { master = true; file = kunisZoneFile; allowQuery = [ "any" ]; extraConfig = '' notify yes; allow-update { none; }; ''; }; "geokunis2.nl" = { master = true; file = geokunis2nlZoneFile; allowQuery = [ "any" ]; extraConfig = '' notify yes; allow-update { none; }; ''; }; }; }; dnsmasq = { enable = true; settings = { no-resolv = true; server = [ "" "/geokunis2.nl/" "/kun.is/" ]; local = "/dmz/"; dhcp-fqdn = true; no-hosts = true; expand-hosts = true; domain = "dmz"; dhcp-authoritative = true; dhcp-range = [ ",,15m" "2a02:58:19a:f730::, ra-stateless, ra-names" ]; dhcp-host = [ "b8:27:eb:b9:ab:e2,esrom" "ca:fe:c0:ff:ee:03,max," "ca:fe:c0:ff:ee:08,maestro," "dc:a6:32:7b:e2:11,iris," "ca:fe:c0:ff:ee:0a,thecloud," "52:54:00:72:e0:9a,forum," ]; dhcp-option = [ "3," "option6:dns-server,[2a02:58:19a:f730::1]" "option:dns-server," ]; ra-param = "*,0,0"; alias = ","; log-dhcp = true; log-queries = true; interface-name = "hermes.dmz,ens3"; port = "5353"; address = [ "/ns.pizzapim.nl/ns.geokunis2.nl/ns.pim.kunis.nl/" "/ns.pizzapim.nl/ns.geokunis2.nl/ns.pim.kunis.nl/2a02:58:19a:f730:c8fe:c0ff:feff:ee07" ]; }; }; }; }; }