{ jefke = { type = "physical"; nixosModule = { lab = { terraformDatabase.enable = true; storage = { osDisk = "/dev/sda"; dataPartition = "/dev/nvme0n1p1"; }; ssh = { useCertificates = true; # TODO: automatically set this? hostCert = builtins.readFile ./jefke_host_ed25519-cert.pub; userCert = builtins.readFile ./jefke_user_ed25519-cert.pub; }; }; }; }; atlas = { type = "physical"; nixosModule = { config, ... }: let inherit (config.lab.networking) dmzServicesIPv4 dmzServicesIPv6; in { lab = { networking = { # TODO: Ideally, we don't have to set this here. staticDMZIPv4Address = "${dmzServicesIPv4}/24"; staticDMZIPv6Address = "${dmzServicesIPv6}/64"; dmzServices.enable = true; }; storage = { osDisk = "/dev/sda"; dataPartition = "/dev/nvme0n1p1"; }; ssh = { useCertificates = true; hostCert = builtins.readFile ./atlas_host_ed25519-cert.pub; userCert = builtins.readFile ./atlas_user_ed25519-cert.pub; }; }; }; }; lewis = { type = "physical"; nixosModule = { lab = { dataHost.enable = true; storage = { osDisk = "/dev/sda"; dataPartition = "/dev/nvme0n1p1"; }; ssh = { useCertificates = true; hostCert = builtins.readFile ./lewis_host_ed25519-cert.pub; userCert = builtins.readFile ./lewis_user_ed25519-cert.pub; }; }; }; }; my-microvm = { type = "virtual"; hypervisorName = "lewis"; nixosModule = { pkgs, ... }: { lab.vmMacAddress = "BA:DB:EE:F0:00:00"; programs.bash.interactiveShellInit = '' echo "Hello world from inside a virtual machine!!" | ${pkgs.lolcat}/bin/lolcat ''; }; }; }