{ kubernetes.resources = { configMaps = { bind9-env.data.TZ = "Europe/Amsterdam"; bind9-config.data = { # TODO: this was copied from nix's generated bind config # Is there a way to generate this without actually running the nixos module? config = '' acl cachenetworks {; }; acl badnetworks { }; options { listen-on { any; }; listen-on-v6 { any; }; allow-query { cachenetworks; }; blackhole { badnetworks; }; forward first; forwarders { }; directory "/run/named"; pid-file "/run/named/named.pid"; allow-transfer { none; }; allow-recursion { none; }; version none; notify no; }; zone "kun.is" { type master; file "/etc/bind/kun.is.zone"; allow-transfer { }; allow-query { any; }; }; ''; # TODO: replace with dns.nix kunis-zone = '' $TTL 86400 kun.is. IN SOA ns1 webmaster.kun.is. (2024021702 86400 600 864000 60) kun.is. IN CAA 0 issue "letsencrypt.org" kun.is. IN CAA 0 issuewild ";" kun.is. IN CAA 0 iodef "mailto:caa@kun.is" kun.is. IN MX 10 mail.kun.is. kun.is. IN NS ns1.kun.is. kun.is. IN NS ns2.kun.is. kun.is. IN TXT "v=spf1 include:spf.glasnet.nl ~all" *.kun.is. IN A em670271.kun.is. IN CNAME return.smtp2go.net. link.kun.is. IN CNAME track.smtp2go.net. ns.kun.is. IN A ns.kun.is. IN AAAA 2a0d:6e00:1a77:30::7 ns1.kun.is. IN A ns1.kun.is. IN AAAA 2a0d:6e00:1a77:30::7 ns2.kun.is. IN A ns2.kun.is. IN AAAA 2a0d:6e00:1a77:30::7 s670271._domainkey.kun.is. IN CNAME dkim.smtp2go.net. wg.kun.is. IN A wg.kun.is. IN AAAA 2a0d:6e00:1a77:30::1 ''; }; }; deployments.bind9 = { metadata.labels.app = "bind9"; spec = { selector.matchLabels.app = "bind9"; template = { metadata.labels.app = "bind9"; spec = { containers.bind9 = { image = "ubuntu/bind9:9.18-22.04_beta"; envFrom = [{ configMapRef.name = "bind9-env"; }]; ports = [{ containerPort = 53; protocol = "UDP"; }]; volumeMounts = [ { name = "config"; mountPath = "/etc/bind/named.conf"; subPath = "config"; } { name = "config"; mountPath = "/etc/bind/kun.is.zone"; subPath = "kunis-zone"; } ]; }; volumes = [{ name = "config"; configMap.name = "bind9-config"; }]; }; }; }; }; services.bind9.spec = { type = "LoadBalancer"; loadBalancerIP = ""; selector.app = "bind9"; ports = [{ port = 53; targetPort = 53; protocol = "UDP"; }]; }; }; }