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(#1c6c43) +L 8 (#5133e0) +U 13 (#2ec813) +L 7 (#2c56a0) +U 6 (#2b50c3) +L 14 (#465990) +U 3 (#5c9e03) +L 6 (#052cf0) +U 7 (#09d973) +L 10 (#3500b0) +D 11 (#088d63) +L 11 (#473f60) +U 11 (#405733) +L 5 (#414100) +U 5 (#10b5b3) +L 9 (#624920) +U 8 (#10b5b1) +L 10 (#02a810) +U 7 (#29a8c1) +L 14 (#6896c2) +U 7 (#4a0001) +L 6 (#07ef12) +U 4 (#399321) +L 7 (#2054f0) +U 8 (#226a41) +R 8 (#5030e0) +U 6 (#57a921) +R 3 (#3f7160) +U 11 (#4df573) +R 6 (#49fe20) +U 13 (#1c3d03) +R 9 (#4f4362) +U 3 (#0ba303) +R 8 (#75c3f2) +U 13 (#3e1493) +R 12 (#0af520) +U 6 (#3dc1b3) +L 4 (#0e7730) +U 2 (#36f991) +L 8 (#565800) +D 5 (#36f993) +L 6 (#554300) +U 5 (#35a393) +L 8 (#3ff8c0) +U 7 (#345003) +R 11 (#0140c0) +U 5 (#34d343) +R 11 (#0140c2) +U 3 (#3da6b3) +R 2 (#368952) +U 8 (#6c3473) +R 5 (#132af2) +U 5 (#47ae31) +R 11 (#479542) +D 5 (#34c7d1) +R 3 (#096fc2) +D 4 (#00bec1) +R 9 (#1f8712) +D 10 (#317681) +R 3 (#475352) +D 2 (#463703) +R 12 (#2e2f12) +U 4 (#260611) +L 8 (#2fa902) +U 7 (#260613) +L 2 (#5461a2) +U 6 (#463701) +L 11 (#3050d2) +U 11 (#508b33) +L 11 (#258512) +U 14 (#5e2013) +L 4 (#2b63a2) +U 2 (#6c3471) +L 7 (#297132) +U 9 (#0a6333) +L 14 (#4c7b92) +U 4 (#6f3b33) +L 16 (#4c7b90) +U 6 (#09f3c3) +L 15 (#053fa2) +U 5 (#4ad5c3) +R 8 (#1f96b0) +U 7 (#5c6d63) +R 5 (#0835f2) +U 11 (#4d5af3) +R 6 (#525352) +U 8 (#165b63) +R 3 (#5a8940) +U 4 (#099e83) +L 3 (#1f96b2) +U 16 (#1af253) +L 6 (#767070) +U 4 (#231d23) +L 7 (#02a910) +U 9 (#42f673) +L 12 (#0b64d0) +U 3 (#27b9c3) +L 4 (#21b400) +U 10 (#1744e3) +L 12 (#5a75e0) +U 8 (#42c5c3) +L 12 (#199ed2) +U 13 (#4cefc3) +L 9 (#245442) +U 8 (#119c61) +R 10 (#095c02) +U 11 (#68be41) +R 6 (#14ae52) +D 9 (#161161) +R 4 (#03bf22) +D 6 (#121833) +L 4 (#11a032) +D 12 (#1d8a53) +R 8 (#570a92) +D 5 (#4f2d23) +R 9 (#24dc02) +U 6 (#119c63) +R 5 (#230162) +U 9 (#1b8183) +L 13 (#19a6f2) +U 10 (#5dbb13) +R 13 (#200702) +U 7 (#5ee763) +R 5 (#059f22) +D 3 (#5ee761) +R 10 (#1a4342) +D 8 (#394c93) +R 12 (#0a6d32) +U 8 (#5756d1) +R 8 (#1ca732) +D 10 (#22af01) +R 3 (#424712) +D 9 (#53bcc3) +R 9 (#331712) +D 10 (#264913) +R 4 (#244212) +D 7 (#3f48b3) +R 8 (#54dec2) +D 14 (#515d83) +R 4 (#4d5930) +D 8 (#058093) +R 5 (#3738b0) +D 3 (#2b5173) +R 9 (#1f3660) +D 16 (#4c7f03) +R 5 (#6179a0) +D 3 (#548343) +R 5 (#4a2640) +D 3 (#106533) +R 6 (#1cfc70) +U 4 (#184de3) +R 4 (#234e70) +U 9 (#67b7f1) +R 7 (#2a16d0) +U 7 (#24fea1) +R 9 (#564262) +D 4 (#436f31) +R 8 (#564260) +D 10 (#24e101) +R 12 (#4df570) +D 2 (#152b43) +R 9 (#2bcb50) +D 8 (#5e2443) +L 3 (#444350) +D 4 (#13c883) +L 16 (#079a60) +D 2 (#2e75b3) +L 2 (#5ffa70) +D 7 (#3aede3) +L 8 (#0231f0) +D 13 (#0cc973) +R 5 (#3986f0) +D 11 (#0486a3) +R 7 (#34db30) +D 8 (#609e53) +R 3 (#44d400) +D 8 (#4c3ca1) +L 15 (#40a880) +D 5 (#18e851) +R 5 (#24f640) +D 6 (#0cc971) +R 9 (#03f810) +D 8 (#46d213) +R 4 (#2a68f0) +D 18 (#179ca3) +R 3 (#58afe0) +U 18 (#4cf4b3) +R 2 (#2ac350) +U 2 (#18ecd3) +R 10 (#0e0360) +U 5 (#2df743) +R 11 (#4e89a0) +U 13 (#4beca3) +R 6 (#5610e0) +U 5 (#155291) +R 3 (#6dbb30) +U 5 (#03dd31) +R 3 (#4dc0c0) +U 12 (#18d661) +R 11 (#36e652) +U 10 (#4fe7a1) +R 5 (#2f6e32) +U 17 (#2fe1d1) +R 2 (#2cba62) +U 9 (#2930a1) +R 5 (#286d12) +U 7 (#3ee381) +R 12 (#0c4ce0) +U 4 (#286181) +L 17 (#259a80) +U 6 (#5e3323) +R 7 (#4185c0) +U 10 (#5e3321) +R 5 (#2a9270) +U 2 (#11e811) +R 12 (#0edfe0) +U 11 (#053c71) +R 11 (#2abf90) +U 7 (#5f6381) +R 7 (#307120) +U 3 (#17a761) +R 9 (#180940) +U 10 (#0baa11) +R 3 (#5fe2f0) +U 11 (#0baa13) +R 9 (#69f120) +U 5 (#14bc71) +R 7 (#2fe940) +U 16 (#184891) +L 7 (#3e76b0) +U 10 (#74c8b1) +L 13 (#11fe70) +U 9 (#3712e1) +R 6 (#114d30) +U 9 (#26b653) +R 11 (#05c152) +D 9 (#151243) +R 3 (#400370) +U 8 (#6d4e13) +R 17 (#400372) +D 6 (#0ae363) +L 4 (#05c150) +D 5 (#17a753) +R 7 (#10cfc2) +D 15 (#470433) +L 7 (#10cfc0) +D 6 (#37c983) +L 8 (#19e760) +D 6 (#0ab8e3) +R 12 (#5e9970) +D 5 (#1ee3f1) +R 6 (#2b3962) +U 11 (#3a45b1) +R 6 (#3da2a0) +U 6 (#6e96f1) +L 5 (#3da2a2) +U 8 (#2e7501) +R 11 (#2b3960) +U 10 (#657f61) +L 11 (#291930) +U 12 (#04b591) +R 5 (#0c7c20) +U 13 (#043ff3) +R 2 (#14c0b0) +U 11 (#65d263) +R 6 (#060310) +U 7 (#499ce1) +R 3 (#511ff0) +D 10 (#207571) +R 9 (#2e4e30) +D 5 (#33a333) +R 4 (#6ce740) +D 5 (#449c93) +R 3 (#4540d0) +U 9 (#244651) +R 3 (#36cb70) +U 3 (#53f971) +R 12 (#122200) +U 8 (#454131) +R 3 (#0c83f2) +D 7 (#0b87c1) +R 18 (#361a72) +D 7 (#589d41) +R 11 (#31dab2) +D 4 (#589d43) +R 5 (#432802) +D 7 (#0b87c3) +R 7 (#101df2) +D 18 (#32fb11) +R 5 (#597e62) +D 6 (#271ec1) +R 10 (#19d672) +D 3 (#5fe541) +R 12 (#358d42) +D 6 (#258221) +R 6 (#192fd2) +D 10 (#048fa3) +R 7 (#3b17e2) +D 9 (#44d6b3) +R 2 (#456350) +D 8 (#15ae53) +R 5 (#456352) +D 4 (#4d7183) +L 3 (#173ee2) +D 7 (#2754e1) +L 5 (#1df992) +D 13 (#09dc01) +L 7 (#1db1f2) +D 3 (#6660e1) +L 12 (#04b802) +D 2 (#00c7f1) +L 5 (#03d8e2) +D 8 (#1f7303) +L 9 (#05d1e2) +D 6 (#1ded03) +L 7 (#2743f2) +D 2 (#1eebc1) +L 4 (#3c3272) +D 10 (#1eebc3) +L 7 (#15c632) +D 13 (#1ded01) +R 7 (#12ea32) +D 4 (#1f7301) +L 6 (#2b9562) +D 6 (#2ffb01) +L 8 (#5bf420) +U 4 (#422961) +L 8 (#69be80) +U 9 (#0a0141) +L 5 (#006c40) +U 12 (#1da551) +L 2 (#1db1f0) +U 4 (#0769d1) +R 9 (#1be912) +U 4 (#5fe191) +R 6 (#2aa3c2) +U 16 (#2283a1) +L 6 (#0d5b30) +D 6 (#37efc1) +L 4 (#5d2960) +D 9 (#06b111) +L 12 (#72b960) +D 3 (#1bb7f1) +L 2 (#34e3f0) +D 12 (#4ff8b1) +L 10 (#2dbbc0) +D 3 (#46ec21) +L 7 (#248220) +U 11 (#19bc11) +R 11 (#338e40) +U 2 (#24d9e1) +R 3 (#0e7330) +U 10 (#514f71) +L 8 (#3e49e0) +U 6 (#32c963) +L 6 (#344102) +U 10 (#27f3e3) +L 14 (#344100) +D 11 (#2b8c83) +L 9 (#1ed1b0) +U 11 (#400a01) +L 5 (#4a5de0) +U 10 (#3b32b1) +L 5 (#4a5de2) +U 4 (#0b0d11) +L 11 (#3d3140) +U 5 (#508151) +L 5 (#47d872) +D 8 (#132e71) +L 12 (#07e2f2) +D 4 (#40a3b1) +L 4 (#5e24b2) +D 9 (#181e91) +R 16 (#5e24b0) +D 9 (#3042d1) +L 3 (#07e2f0) +D 11 (#638e01) +R 5 (#3de122) +D 8 (#0f9b41) +R 15 (#452fc2) +D 6 (#57e8b1) +R 7 (#2a4e22) +U 14 (#00d391) +R 5 (#435852) +D 10 (#1e6f91) +R 6 (#6a77d2) +D 7 (#217553) +L 6 (#0db942) +D 9 (#36a663) +L 7 (#541100) +D 11 (#547883) +R 6 (#46c250) +D 3 (#1ab863) +L 6 (#0040e0) +D 18 (#28b1d3) +R 6 (#197e32) +D 8 (#3739c3) +R 7 (#540ee2) +D 9 (#572ac3) +R 8 (#2d8722) +U 2 (#0825b3) +R 4 (#1a1be2) +U 13 (#1ef4f1) +R 3 (#35b942) +U 6 (#00ae13) +R 7 (#307ab0) +U 6 (#6d52e3) +R 5 (#307ab2) +U 11 (#1aec73) +R 6 (#1801e2) +D 9 (#09f4f1) +R 8 (#0b72b2) +D 4 (#156b11) +R 16 (#3ea4e2) +D 4 (#2b86f1) +R 8 (#3ea4e0) +D 10 (#3b22e1) +L 6 (#0b72b0) +D 9 (#02e391) +L 11 (#3b40c2) +D 4 (#4b0d21) +L 4 (#436750) +D 3 (#0a2871) +L 11 (#459490) +D 2 (#448131) +L 7 (#4e46d2) +D 6 (#1239c1) +L 2 (#18be72) +D 3 (#01e451) +L 2 (#63d532) +D 8 (#088331) +R 11 (#13fbd2) +D 2 (#76bde1) +R 9 (#010bf2) +D 7 (#093ed1) +R 11 (#34efc2) +D 9 (#346ad1) +R 15 (#5ea842) +D 8 (#3f1461) +R 8 (#075292) +D 5 (#43d301) +R 6 (#5c8642) +D 7 (#515c51) +R 6 (#35e392) +D 4 (#515c53) +L 11 (#3c52e2) +D 11 (#460471) +R 11 (#55f562) +D 4 (#275f23) +R 4 (#6901b2) +U 15 (#058f43) +R 5 (#4cad42) +U 8 (#5ad323) +R 6 (#4180a2) +U 3 (#408241) +R 14 (#3c0f62) +U 3 (#055fa1) +R 9 (#3f6652) +U 3 (#7414f1) +R 3 (#11ae90) +U 9 (#098c31) +L 13 (#4a7ad0) +U 6 (#5dfb41) +R 13 (#1f4c50) +U 8 (#165861) +R 3 (#2d68c2) +U 2 (#715cb1) +R 7 (#2b7e62) +D 6 (#241511) +R 9 (#4e1152) +D 8 (#26ec71) +R 5 (#247332) +D 14 (#051611) +L 9 (#09f002) +D 16 (#366e31) +L 3 (#0d6b12) +D 2 (#6dc513) +L 6 (#1eccb2) +D 7 (#6d5ce3) +R 8 (#4a81b2) +D 9 (#02b891) +L 8 (#282492) +D 5 (#02b893) +R 8 (#1c9a22) +D 13 (#5a47b3) +R 7 (#4287e2) +D 11 (#0aecb3) +R 3 (#285d50) +D 3 (#2fba33) +L 14 (#1115b0) +D 5 (#42d373) +L 5 (#610760) +U 11 (#42d371) +L 14 (#13cda0) +U 3 (#2e73f3) +L 11 (#424cf0) +U 9 (#0e40e3) +L 5 (#2ca0f2) +D 11 (#6284d3) +L 4 (#4f7e52) +D 12 (#00d2d3) +L 8 (#0d1642) +D 8 (#1f9c23) +L 6 (#6648b2) +D 9 (#0101c1) +L 9 (#2cbc52) +D 3 (#094dc1) +L 8 (#35d1a2) +D 2 (#66e3d1) +L 10 (#20ab92) +D 10 (#168e31) +L 8 (#710542) +U 12 (#1e5051) +L 8 (#248cc2) +U 3 (#3fbc61) +L 6 (#64dc10) +U 10 (#2b81c1) +L 11 (#69f840) +D 10 (#4eae41) +L 4 (#5a3aa0) +D 8 (#2bbb71) +L 13 (#574fc2) +D 3 (#1d2801) +L 3 (#1fa5d2) +D 12 (#04b8f1) +L 3 (#136922) +D 4 (#4ec981) +L 11 (#042042) +D 5 (#319921) +L 15 (#5bd8c2) +D 3 (#216d11) +L 3 (#110372) +U 7 (#530633) +L 2 (#2db3d2) +U 10 (#3f8131) +L 4 (#047412) +U 8 (#1f5091) +L 4 (#07efb2) +U 8 (#02d151) +L 4 (#0503b2) +U 4 (#517631) +L 12 (#11df72) +U 4 (#273981) +L 3 (#5a6a72) +D 4 (#1ac7a1) +L 8 (#0aa4c2) +D 4 (#1d29c3) +R 13 (#5f2750) +D 9 (#592b53) +L 13 (#5f2752) +D 8 (#1ff393) +L 7 (#2b1a32) +D 4 (#20d203) +L 18 (#2724e2) +D 4 (#486343) +R 19 (#2ea0e2) +D 2 (#486341) +R 14 (#33e032) +D 6 (#1fb073) +L 17 (#2a4422) +U 4 (#4b9413) +L 6 (#1563d0) +D 8 (#065ed1) +L 8 (#317df0) +U 8 (#02fac3) +L 12 (#2f35c0) +D 4 (#02fac1) +R 9 (#5d1770) +D 7 (#065ed3) +R 7 (#16fa70) +D 17 (#35b073) +R 7 (#0c5930) +D 5 (#400163) +L 9 (#2a1ab2) +D 11 (#3bc7a3) +L 14 (#269eb2) +D 9 (#1ef343) +L 10 (#269eb0) +U 4 (#2d4f23) +R 6 (#38f922) +U 9 (#5a3f31) +L 3 (#1269d2) +U 8 (#2dcad1) +L 7 (#2296c2) +U 9 (#3b97a3) +R 10 (#24c7b2) +U 3 (#67d443) +L 6 (#39a682) +U 8 (#1c8c93) +L 6 (#75d832) +U 3 (#11b393) +L 3 (#441282) +U 9 (#4c45b3) +L 11 (#385732) +U 11 (#1c1a93) +L 7 (#31b132) +U 8 (#25ae53) diff --git a/23/elixir/inputs/day18_example.txt b/23/elixir/inputs/day18_example.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc7612e --- /dev/null +++ b/23/elixir/inputs/day18_example.txt @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +R 6 (#70c710) +D 5 (#0dc571) +L 2 (#5713f0) +D 2 (#d2c081) +R 2 (#59c680) +D 2 (#411b91) +L 5 (#8ceee2) +U 2 (#caa173) +L 1 (#1b58a2) +U 2 (#caa171) +R 2 (#7807d2) +U 3 (#a77fa3) +L 2 (#015232) +U 2 (#7a21e3) diff --git a/23/elixir/lib/days/day12.ex b/23/elixir/lib/days/day12.ex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..35a649d --- /dev/null +++ b/23/elixir/lib/days/day12.ex @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +defmodule AOC.Day12 do + use AOC.Day, day: 12, input: "example" + # use AOC.Day, day: 12 + + def parse_input(lines) do + Enum.map(lines, fn line -> + [conditions, groups] = String.split(line, " ") + conditions = String.to_charlist(conditions) + + groups = + groups + |> String.split(",") + |> Enum.map(&String.to_integer/1) + + {conditions, groups} + end) + end + + def possible_unknown_spring_conditions(unknown_spring_count) when unknown_spring_count == 0, + do: [[]] + + def possible_unknown_spring_conditions(unknown_spring_count) do + next_list = possible_unknown_spring_conditions(unknown_spring_count - 1) + Enum.map(next_list, &[true | &1]) ++ Enum.map(next_list, &[false | &1]) + end + + def apply_spring_configuration([], []), do: [] + + def apply_spring_configuration([?. | conditions], spring_configuration) do + [?. | apply_spring_configuration(conditions, spring_configuration)] + end + + def apply_spring_configuration([?# | conditions], spring_configuration) do + [?# | apply_spring_configuration(conditions, spring_configuration)] + end + + def apply_spring_configuration([?? | conditions], [true | spring_configuration]) do + [?. | apply_spring_configuration(conditions, spring_configuration)] + end + + def apply_spring_configuration([?? | conditions], [false | spring_configuration]) do + [?# | apply_spring_configuration(conditions, spring_configuration)] + end + + def valid_spring_conditions?(conditions, []) do + not Enum.member?(conditions, ?#) + end + + def valid_spring_conditions?([?. | conditions], groups) do + valid_spring_conditions?(conditions, groups) + end + + def valid_spring_conditions?(conditions, [count | groups]) do + {left, right} = Enum.split(conditions, count) + + length(left) == count and Enum.all?(left, &(&1 == ?#)) and + (length(right) == 0 or hd(right) == ?.) and valid_spring_conditions?(right, groups) + end + + def generate_arrangements(conditions, groups) do + unknown_spring_count = Enum.count(conditions, &(&1 == ??)) + + possible_unknown_spring_conditions(unknown_spring_count) + |> Stream.map(fn spring_configuration -> + apply_spring_configuration(conditions, spring_configuration) + end) + |> Stream.filter(fn possible_conditions -> + valid_spring_conditions?(possible_conditions, groups) + end) + + # |> Enum.to_list() + end + + def calculate_arrangement_counts(input, duplicates \\ 1) do + input + |> Enum.map(fn {conditions, groups} -> + conditions = + conditions + |> List.duplicate(duplicates) + |> Enum.intersperse(~c"?") + |> List.flatten() + + groups = + groups + |> List.duplicate(duplicates) + |> List.flatten() + + generate_arrangements(conditions, groups) + end) + |> Enum.map(&Enum.count/1) + |> Enum.sum() + end + + def part1(input) do + calculate_arrangement_counts(input) + end + + def part2(input) do + calculate_arrangement_counts(input, 5) + end +end + +# NOTE TO SELF: memoize the brute force... diff --git a/23/elixir/lib/days/day18.ex b/23/elixir/lib/days/day18.ex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8499743 --- /dev/null +++ b/23/elixir/lib/days/day18.ex @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +defmodule AOC.Day18 do + # use AOC.Day, day: 18, input: "example" + use AOC.Day, day: 18 + + def parse_input(lines) do + Enum.map(lines, fn line -> + %{"direction" => direction, "length" => length, "color" => color} = + Regex.named_captures( + ~r/^(?[UDLR]) (?\d+) \(\#(?[[:alnum:]]+)\)$/, + line + ) + + {String.to_atom(direction), String.to_integer(length), color} + end) + end + + def dig_stretch({y, x}, direction, length) do + Enum.map(1..length, fn n -> + case direction do + :U -> {y - n, x} + :R -> {y, x + n} + :D -> {y + n, x} + :L -> {y, x - n} + end + end) + end + + def execute_dig_plan(dig_plan) do + Enum.reduce(dig_plan, {%{{0, 0} => true}, {0, 0}}, fn {direction, length, _color}, + {terrain, position} -> + stretch = dig_stretch(position, direction, length) + + terrain = + Enum.reduce(stretch, terrain, fn new_position, acc -> + Map.put(acc, new_position, true) + end) + + new_position = stretch |> Enum.reverse() |> hd() + + {terrain, new_position} + end) + end + + def print_terrain(terrain) do + max_y = terrain |> Enum.map(&elem(&1, 0)) |> Enum.map(&elem(&1, 0)) |> Enum.max() + max_x = terrain |> Enum.map(&elem(&1, 0)) |> Enum.map(&elem(&1, 1)) |> Enum.max() + min_y = terrain |> Enum.map(&elem(&1, 0)) |> Enum.map(&elem(&1, 0)) |> Enum.min() + min_x = terrain |> Enum.map(&elem(&1, 0)) |> Enum.map(&elem(&1, 1)) |> Enum.min() + + Enum.each(min_y..max_y, fn y -> + Enum.map(min_x..max_x, fn x -> + case Map.fetch(terrain, {y, x}) do + :error -> "." + _ -> "#" + end + end) + |> Enum.join() + |> IO.puts() + end) + end + + def find_interior_space(terrain) do + max_x = terrain |> Enum.map(&elem(&1, 0)) |> Enum.map(&elem(&1, 1)) |> Enum.max() + min_x = terrain |> Enum.map(&elem(&1, 0)) |> Enum.map(&elem(&1, 1)) |> Enum.min() + + edge_x = + Enum.find(min_x..max_x, fn x -> + case Map.fetch(terrain, {2, x}) do + :error -> false + _ -> true + end + end) + + edge_x + 1 + end + + def flood_fill_terrain(terrain) do + interior_x = find_interior_space(terrain) + + flood_fill_terrain(terrain, {1, interior_x}) + end + + def flood_fill_terrain(terrain, {y, x}) do + [{y - 1, x}, {y, x + 1}, {y + 1, x}, {y, x - 1}] + |> Enum.reduce(terrain, fn next_position, acc -> + case Map.fetch(acc, next_position) do + :error -> + acc + |> Map.put(next_position, true) + |> flood_fill_terrain(next_position) + + _ -> + acc + end + end) + end + + def part1(dig_plan) do + execute_dig_plan(dig_plan) + |> elem(0) + # |> tap(&print_terrain/1) + |> flood_fill_terrain() + # |> tap(&print_terrain/1) + |> Enum.count() + end + + def part2(_input) do + "TODO" + end +end