require 'pry' orders = [] instructions = [] # Parse input file."input", "r") do |f| f.each_line do |line| first, second = line.scan(/\s[A-Z]{1}\s/).map(&:strip) orders.push({ first: first, then: second }) instructions.push(first) instructions.push(second) end end instructions.uniq! result = "" workers = do { current_instruction: nil, time_left: 0 } end time = 0 while !instructions.empty? # Get a list of the next instructions available. next_instructions = do |instruction| orders.none? do |order| order[:then] == instruction && order[:first] != nil end and workers.none? do |worker| worker[:current_instruction] == instruction end end.sort # Give free workers instructions. workers.each_with_index do |worker, i| if worker[:current_instruction].nil? and !next_instructions.empty? workers[i][:current_instruction] = next_instructions[0] workers[i][:time_left] = next_instructions[0].ord - "A".ord + 1 + 60 next_instructions.delete(next_instructions[0]) end end elapsed_time = do |worker| !worker[:current_instruction].nil? do |worker| worker[:time_left] end.min time += elapsed_time workers.each_with_index do |worker, i| if !workers[i][:current_instruction].nil? workers[i][:time_left] -= elapsed_time if workers[i][:time_left] == 0 instructions.delete(workers[i][:current_instruction]) orders.each do |order| if order[:first] == workers[i][:current_instruction] order[:first] = nil end end workers[i][:current_instruction] = nil end end end #binding.pry end =begin while !instructions.empty? next_instruction = do |instruction| orders.none? do |order| order[:then] == instruction && order[:first] != nil end end.sort.first result += next_instruction instructions.delete next_instruction orders.each do |order| if order[:first] == next_instruction order[:first] = nil end end end =end puts time