Rename repository
This commit is contained in:
71 changed files with 348 additions and 345 deletions
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ erl_crash.dump
# Ignore package tarball (built via "mix").
# Since we are building assets from assets/,
# we ignore priv/static. You may want to comment
@ -7,15 +7,15 @@
# General application configuration
use Mix.Config
config :matrix_server,
ecto_repos: [MatrixServer.Repo]
config :architex,
ecto_repos: [Architex.Repo]
# Configures the endpoint
config :matrix_server, MatrixServerWeb.Endpoint,
config :architex, ArchitexWeb.Endpoint,
url: [host: "localhost"],
secret_key_base: "npI0xfNYxf5FoTIdAoc7er0ZvdCJgQFZQ9LcpUFL6dsPXyQllMv45zaQQoO4ZLu1",
render_errors: [view: MatrixServerWeb.ErrorView, accepts: ~w(json), layout: false],
pubsub_server: MatrixServer.PubSub,
render_errors: [view: ArchitexWeb.ErrorView, accepts: ~w(json), layout: false],
pubsub_server: Architex.PubSub,
live_view: [signing_salt: "6ymoi3Gx"]
# Configures Elixir's Logger
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ config :logger, :console,
# Use Jason for JSON parsing in Phoenix
config :phoenix, :json_library, Jason
config :matrix_server, MatrixServer.Repo, migration_timestamps: [type: :utc_datetime]
config :architex, Architex.Repo, migration_timestamps: [type: :utc_datetime]
config :cors_plug,
origin: ["*"],
@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ hostname = "localhost"
port = System.get_env("PORT") || 4000
# Configure your database
config :matrix_server, MatrixServer.Repo,
username: "matrix_server",
password: "matrix_server",
database: "matrix_server_dev",
config :architex, Architex.Repo,
username: "architex",
password: "architex",
database: "architex_dev",
hostname: hostname,
show_sensitive_data_on_connection_error: true,
pool_size: 10
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ config :matrix_server, MatrixServer.Repo,
# The watchers configuration can be used to run external
# watchers to your application. For example, we use it
# with webpack to recompile .js and .css sources.
config :matrix_server, MatrixServerWeb.Endpoint,
config :architex, ArchitexWeb.Endpoint,
http: [port: port],
debug_errors: true,
code_reloader: true,
@ -59,5 +59,5 @@ config :phoenix, :stacktrace_depth, 20
# Initialize plugs at runtime for faster development compilation
config :phoenix, :plug_init_mode, :runtime
config :matrix_server, server_name: "#{hostname}:#{port}"
config :matrix_server, private_key_file: "keys/id_ed25519"
config :architex, server_name: "#{hostname}:#{port}"
config :architex, private_key_file: "keys/id_ed25519"
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ use Mix.Config
# manifest is generated by the `mix phx.digest` task,
# which you should run after static files are built and
# before starting your production server.
config :matrix_server, MatrixServerWeb.Endpoint,
config :architex, ArchitexWeb.Endpoint,
url: [host: "", port: 80],
cache_static_manifest: "priv/static/cache_manifest.json"
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ config :logger, level: :info
# To get SSL working, you will need to add the `https` key
# to the previous section and set your `:url` port to 443:
# config :matrix_server, MatrixServerWeb.Endpoint,
# config :architex, ArchitexWeb.Endpoint,
# ...
# url: [host: "", port: 443],
# https: [
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ config :logger, level: :info
# We also recommend setting `force_ssl` in your endpoint, ensuring
# no data is ever sent via http, always redirecting to https:
# config :matrix_server, MatrixServerWeb.Endpoint,
# config :architex, ArchitexWeb.Endpoint,
# force_ssl: [hsts: true]
# Check `Plug.SSL` for all available options in `force_ssl`.
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ database_url =
For example: ecto://USER:PASS@HOST/DATABASE
config :matrix_server, MatrixServer.Repo,
config :architex, Architex.Repo,
# ssl: true,
url: database_url,
pool_size: String.to_integer(System.get_env("POOL_SIZE") || "10")
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ secret_key_base =
You can generate one by calling: mix phx.gen.secret
config :matrix_server, MatrixServerWeb.Endpoint,
config :architex, ArchitexWeb.Endpoint,
http: [
port: String.to_integer(System.get_env("PORT") || "4000"),
transport_options: [socket_opts: [:inet6]]
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ config :matrix_server, MatrixServerWeb.Endpoint,
# If you are doing OTP releases, you need to instruct Phoenix
# to start each relevant endpoint:
# config :matrix_server, MatrixServerWeb.Endpoint, server: true
# config :architex, ArchitexWeb.Endpoint, server: true
# Then you can assemble a release by calling `mix release`.
# See `mix help release` for more information.
@ -8,21 +8,21 @@ port = System.get_env("PORT") || 4000
# The MIX_TEST_PARTITION environment variable can be used
# to provide built-in test partitioning in CI environment.
# Run `mix help test` for more information.
config :matrix_server, MatrixServer.Repo,
username: "matrix_server",
password: "matrix_server",
database: "matrix_server_test#{System.get_env("MIX_TEST_PARTITION")}",
config :architex, Architex.Repo,
username: "architex",
password: "architex",
database: "architex_test#{System.get_env("MIX_TEST_PARTITION")}",
hostname: hostname,
pool: Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox
# We don't run a server during test. If one is required,
# you can enable the server option below.
config :matrix_server, MatrixServerWeb.Endpoint,
config :architex, ArchitexWeb.Endpoint,
http: [port: port],
server: false
# Print only warnings and errors during test
config :logger, level: :warn
config :matrix_server, server_name: "#{hostname}:#{port}"
config :matrix_server, private_key_file: "keys/id_ed25519"
config :architex, server_name: "#{hostname}:#{port}"
config :architex, private_key_file: "keys/id_ed25519"
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
docker run --rm -d -p ${1-80}:80 vectorim/element-web
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
defmodule MatrixServer do
defmodule Architex do
@moduledoc """
Utility functions used throughout the project.
alias MatrixServer.EncodableMap
alias Architex.EncodableMap
@random_string_alphabet Enum.into(?a..?z, []) ++ Enum.into(?A..?Z, [])
@ipv6_regex ~r/^\[(?<ip>[^\]]+)\](?<port>:\d{1,5})?$/
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServer do
@spec server_name() :: String.t()
def server_name do
Application.get_env(:matrix_server, :server_name)
Application.get_env(:architex, :server_name)
@doc """
@ -171,12 +171,12 @@ defmodule MatrixServer do
@spec add_signature(map(), String.t(), String.t()) :: map()
def add_signature(object, key_id, sig) when not is_map_key(object, :signatures) do
Map.put(object, :signatures, %{MatrixServer.server_name() => %{key_id => sig}})
Map.put(object, :signatures, %{Architex.server_name() => %{key_id => sig}})
def add_signature(%{signatures: sigs} = object, key_id, sig) do
new_sigs =
Map.update(sigs, MatrixServer.server_name(), %{key_id => sig}, &Map.put(&1, key_id, sig))
Map.update(sigs, Architex.server_name(), %{key_id => sig}, &Map.put(&1, key_id, sig))
%{object | signatures: new_sigs}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
defmodule Architex.Application do
# See
# for more information on OTP Applications
@moduledoc false
use Application
def start(_type, _args) do
children = [
{Phoenix.PubSub, name: Architex.PubSub},
{Registry, keys: :unique, name: Architex.RoomServer.Registry},
{DynamicSupervisor, name: Architex.RoomServer.Supervisor, strategy: :one_for_one},
{Finch, name: ArchitexWeb.HTTPClient}
Supervisor.start_link(children, name: Architex.Supervisor, strategy: :one_for_one)
# Tell Phoenix to update the endpoint configuration
# whenever the application is updated.
def config_change(changed, _new, removed) do
ArchitexWeb.Endpoint.config_change(changed, removed)
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
defmodule MatrixServer.Check do
defmodule Architex.Check do
import Ecto.Query
alias MatrixServer.{Repo, Account, Room}
alias MatrixServerWeb.Client.Request.CreateRoom
alias Architex.{Repo, Account, Room}
alias ArchitexWeb.Client.Request.CreateRoom
def create_room do
account =!(from a in Account, limit: 1)
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
defmodule MatrixServer.EncodableMap do
alias MatrixServer.EncodableMap
alias MatrixServer.Types.{UserId, RoomId, EventId, GroupId, AliasId}
defmodule Architex.EncodableMap do
alias Architex.EncodableMap
alias Architex.Types.{UserId, RoomId, EventId, GroupId, AliasId}
defstruct pairs: []
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
defmodule MatrixServer.KeyServer do
defmodule Architex.KeyServer do
@moduledoc """
A GenServer holding the homeserver's keys, and responsible for signing objects.
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.KeyServer do
def handle_call(:get_own_signing_keys, _from, %{public_key: public_key} = state) do
encoded_key = MatrixServer.encode_unpadded_base64(public_key)
encoded_key = Architex.encode_unpadded_base64(public_key)
{:reply, [{@signing_key_id, encoded_key}], state}
@ -64,11 +64,11 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.KeyServer do
defp sign_object(object, private_key) do
object = Map.drop(object, [:signatures, :unsigned])
with {:ok, json} <- MatrixServer.encode_canonical_json(object) do
with {:ok, json} <- Architex.encode_canonical_json(object) do
signature =
|> :enacl.sign_detached(private_key)
|> MatrixServer.encode_unpadded_base64()
|> Architex.encode_unpadded_base64()
{:ok, signature}
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.KeyServer do
@spec read_keys() :: {binary(), binary()}
defp read_keys do
raw_priv_key =
Application.get_env(:matrix_server, :private_key_file)
Application.get_env(:architex, :private_key_file)
"-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----\n" <> rest = raw_priv_key
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
defmodule Architex.Repo do
use Ecto.Repo,
otp_app: :architex,
adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
defmodule MatrixServer.RoomServer do
defmodule Architex.RoomServer do
@moduledoc """
A GenServer to hold and manipulate the state of a Matrix room.
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.RoomServer do
import Ecto.Query
import Ecto.Changeset
alias MatrixServer.{
alias Architex.{
@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.RoomServer do
alias MatrixServer.StateResolution.Authorization
alias MatrixServerWeb.Client.Request.{CreateRoom, Kick, Ban}
alias Architex.StateResolution.Authorization
alias ArchitexWeb.Client.Request.{CreateRoom, Kick, Ban}
@registry MatrixServer.RoomServer.Registry
@supervisor MatrixServer.RoomServer.Supervisor
@registry Architex.RoomServer.Registry
@supervisor Architex.RoomServer.Supervisor
### Interface
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.RoomServer do
result =
Enum.any?(state_set, fn
{{"", user_id}, %Event{content: %{"membership" => "join"}}} ->
MatrixServer.get_domain(user_id) == domain
Architex.get_domain(user_id) == domain
_ ->
@ -607,19 +607,19 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.RoomServer do
# Update local accounts' room membership if applicable.
@spec update_joined_rooms(Room.t(), t()) :: JoinedRoom.t() | nil
defp update_joined_rooms(%Room{id: room_id}, state_set) do
server_name = MatrixServer.server_name()
server_name = Architex.server_name()
{joined, not_joined} =
|> Enum.filter(fn {{type, state_key}, _} ->
type == "" and MatrixServer.get_domain(state_key) == server_name
type == "" and Architex.get_domain(state_key) == server_name
|> Enum.split_with(fn {_, %Event{content: %{"membership" => membership}}} ->
membership == "join"
map_localparts =
&, fn {{_, state_key}, _} -> MatrixServer.get_localpart(state_key) end)
&, fn {{_, state_key}, _} -> Architex.get_localpart(state_key) end)
joined_localparts = map_localparts.(joined)
not_joined_localparts = map_localparts.(not_joined)
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
defmodule MatrixServer.Account do
defmodule Architex.Account do
use Ecto.Schema
import Ecto.{Changeset, Query}
alias MatrixServer.{Repo, Account, Device, Room, JoinedRoom}
alias MatrixServerWeb.Client.Request.{Register, Login}
alias Architex.{Repo, Account, Device, Room, JoinedRoom}
alias ArchitexWeb.Client.Request.{Register, Login}
alias Ecto.{Multi, Changeset}
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.Account do
@spec available?(String.t()) :: :ok | {:error, :user_in_use | :invalid_username}
def available?(localpart) when is_binary(localpart) do
if Regex.match?(MatrixServer.localpart_regex(), localpart) and
if Regex.match?(Architex.localpart_regex(), localpart) and
String.length(localpart) <= localpart_length() do
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.Account do
initial_device_display_name: initial_device_display_name,
password: password
}) do
localpart = username || MatrixServer.random_string(10, ?a..?z)
localpart = username || Architex.random_string(10, ?a..?z)
account_params = %{
localpart: localpart,
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.Account do
|> cast(params, [:localpart, :password_hash])
|> validate_required([:localpart, :password_hash])
|> validate_length(:password_hash, max: 60)
|> validate_format(:localpart, MatrixServer.localpart_regex())
|> validate_format(:localpart, Architex.localpart_regex())
|> validate_length(:localpart, max: localpart_length())
|> unique_constraint(:localpart, name: :accounts_localpart_index)
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.Account do
@spec localpart_length :: integer()
defp localpart_length do
# Subtract the "@" and ":" in the MXID.
@max_mxid_length - 2 - String.length(MatrixServer.server_name())
@max_mxid_length - 2 - String.length(Architex.server_name())
@spec try_get_localpart(String.t()) :: String.t()
@ -152,6 +152,6 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.Account do
@spec get_mxid(Account.t()) :: String.t()
def get_mxid(%Account{localpart: localpart}) do
"@" <> localpart <> ":" <> MatrixServer.server_name()
"@" <> localpart <> ":" <> Architex.server_name()
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
defmodule MatrixServer.Alias do
defmodule Architex.Alias do
use Ecto.Schema
import Ecto.Changeset
alias MatrixServer.{Repo, Alias, Room}
alias Architex.{Repo, Alias, Room}
alias Ecto.Changeset
@primary_key {:alias, :string, []}
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
defmodule MatrixServer.Device do
defmodule Architex.Device do
use Ecto.Schema
import Ecto.{Changeset, Query}
alias MatrixServer.{Account, Device, Repo, DeviceTransaction}
alias MatrixServerWeb.Client.Request.Login
alias Architex.{Account, Device, Repo, DeviceTransaction}
alias ArchitexWeb.Client.Request.Login
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
device_id: String.t(),
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.Device do
def generate_access_token(localpart, device_id) do
Phoenix.Token.encrypt(MatrixServerWeb.Endpoint, "access_token", {localpart, device_id})
Phoenix.Token.encrypt(ArchitexWeb.Endpoint, "access_token", {localpart, device_id})
def generate_device_id(localpart) do
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
defmodule MatrixServer.DeviceTransaction do
defmodule Architex.DeviceTransaction do
use Ecto.Schema
alias MatrixServer.Device
alias Architex.Device
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
txn_id: String.t(),
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
defmodule MatrixServer.Event do
defmodule Architex.Event do
use Ecto.Schema
import Ecto.Query
alias MatrixServer.{Repo, Room, Event, Account, EncodableMap, KeyServer}
alias MatrixServer.Types.UserId
alias Architex.{Repo, Room, Event, Account, EncodableMap, KeyServer}
alias Architex.Types.UserId
# TODO: Could refactor to also always set prev_events, but not necessary.
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.Event do
def new(%Room{id: room_id}, %Account{localpart: localpart}) do
room_id: room_id,
sender: %UserId{localpart: localpart, domain: MatrixServer.server_name()},
sender: %UserId{localpart: localpart, domain: Architex.server_name()},
origin_server_ts: DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.to_unix(:millisecond),
prev_events: [],
auth_events: []
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.Event do
# Check rules: 1.1, 1.2
prev_events == [] and
auth_events == [] and
domain == MatrixServer.get_domain(room_id)
domain == Architex.get_domain(room_id)
def prevalidate(%Event{auth_events: auth_event_ids, prev_events: prev_event_ids} = event) do
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.Event do
# Check rules: 2.1, 2.2, 3
length(auth_events) == length(auth_event_ids) and
length(prev_events) == length(prev_event_ids) and
not MatrixServer.has_duplicates?(state_pairs) and
not Architex.has_duplicates?(state_pairs) and
valid_auth_events?(event, auth_events) and
Enum.find_value(state_pairs, false, &(&1 == {"", ""})) and
do_prevalidate(event, auth_events, prev_events)
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.Event do
) do
# Check rule: 4.2
domain == MatrixServer.get_domain(state_key)
domain == Architex.get_domain(state_key)
# Rule 5.1 is left to changeset validation.
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.Event do
defp calculate_content_hash(event) do
m =
|> MatrixServer.to_serializable_map()
|> Architex.to_serializable_map()
|> Map.drop([:unsigned, :signature, :hashes])
|> EncodableMap.from_map()
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.Event do
defp redact(%Event{type: type, content: content} = event) do
redacted_event =
|> MatrixServer.to_serializable_map()
|> Architex.to_serializable_map()
|> Map.take([
@ -285,11 +285,11 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.Event do
@spec post_process(t()) :: {:ok, t()} | :error
def post_process(event) do
with {:ok, content_hash} <- calculate_content_hash(event) do
encoded_hash = MatrixServer.encode_unpadded_base64(content_hash)
encoded_hash = Architex.encode_unpadded_base64(content_hash)
event = %Event{event | hashes: %{"sha256" => encoded_hash}}
with {:ok, sig, key_id} <- KeyServer.sign_object(redact(event)) do
event = %Event{event | signatures: %{MatrixServer.server_name() => %{key_id => sig}}}
event = %Event{event | signatures: %{Architex.server_name() => %{key_id => sig}}}
with {:ok, event} <- set_event_id(event) do
{:ok, event}
@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.Event do
@spec generate_event_id(t()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, Jason.EncodeError.t()}
defp generate_event_id(event) do
with {:ok, hash} <- calculate_reference_hash(event) do
{:ok, "$" <> MatrixServer.encode_url_safe_base64(hash)}
{:ok, "$" <> Architex.encode_url_safe_base64(hash)}
@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.Event do
|> redact()
|> Map.drop([:unsigned, :signature, :age_ts])
with {:ok, json} <- MatrixServer.encode_canonical_json(redacted_event) do
with {:ok, json} <- Architex.encode_canonical_json(redacted_event) do
{:ok, :crypto.hash(:sha256, json)}
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
defmodule MatrixServer.Event.Join do
alias MatrixServer.{Event, Account, Room}
defmodule Architex.Event.Join do
alias Architex.{Event, Account, Room}
@spec new(Room.t(), Account.t()) :: Event.t()
def new(room, %Account{localpart: localpart} = sender) do
mxid = MatrixServer.get_mxid(localpart)
mxid = Architex.get_mxid(localpart)
||||, sender)
@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.Event.Join do
defmodule MatrixServer.Event.CreateRoom do
alias MatrixServer.{Event, Account, Room}
defmodule Architex.Event.CreateRoom do
alias Architex.{Event, Account, Room}
@spec new(Room.t(), Account.t(), String.t()) :: Event.t()
def new(room, %Account{localpart: localpart} = creator, room_version) do
mxid = MatrixServer.get_mxid(localpart)
mxid = Architex.get_mxid(localpart)
||||, creator)
@ -29,18 +29,18 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.Event.CreateRoom do
state_key: "",
content: %{
"creator" => mxid,
"room_version" => room_version || MatrixServer.default_room_version()
"room_version" => room_version || Architex.default_room_version()
defmodule MatrixServer.Event.PowerLevels do
alias MatrixServer.{Event, Account, Room}
defmodule Architex.Event.PowerLevels do
alias Architex.{Event, Account, Room}
@spec new(Room.t(), Account.t()) :: Event.t()
def new(room, %Account{localpart: localpart} = sender) do
mxid = MatrixServer.get_mxid(localpart)
mxid = Architex.get_mxid(localpart)
||||, sender)
@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.Event.PowerLevels do
defmodule MatrixServer.Event.Name do
alias MatrixServer.{Event, Account, Room}
defmodule Architex.Event.Name do
alias Architex.{Event, Account, Room}
@spec new(Room.t(), Account.t(), String.t()) :: Event.t()
def new(room, sender, name) do
@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.Event.Name do
defmodule MatrixServer.Event.Topic do
alias MatrixServer.{Event, Account, Room}
defmodule Architex.Event.Topic do
alias Architex.{Event, Account, Room}
@spec new(Room.t(), Account.t(), String.t()) :: Event.t()
def new(room, sender, topic) do
@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.Event.Topic do
defmodule MatrixServer.Event.JoinRules do
alias MatrixServer.{Event, Account, Room}
defmodule Architex.Event.JoinRules do
alias Architex.{Event, Account, Room}
@spec new(Room.t(), Account.t(), String.t()) :: Event.t()
def new(room, sender, join_rule) do
@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.Event.JoinRules do
defmodule MatrixServer.Event.HistoryVisibility do
alias MatrixServer.{Event, Account, Room}
defmodule Architex.Event.HistoryVisibility do
alias Architex.{Event, Account, Room}
@spec new(Room.t(), Account.t(), String.t()) :: Event.t()
def new(room, sender, history_visibility) do
@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.Event.HistoryVisibility do
defmodule MatrixServer.Event.GuestAccess do
alias MatrixServer.{Event, Account, Room}
defmodule Architex.Event.GuestAccess do
alias Architex.{Event, Account, Room}
@spec new(Room.t(), Account.t(), String.t()) :: Event.t()
def new(room, sender, guest_access) do
@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.Event.GuestAccess do
defmodule MatrixServer.Event.Invite do
alias MatrixServer.{Event, Account, Room}
defmodule Architex.Event.Invite do
alias Architex.{Event, Account, Room}
@spec new(Room.t(), Account.t(), String.t()) :: Event.t()
def new(room, sender, user_id) do
@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.Event.Invite do
defmodule MatrixServer.Event.Leave do
alias MatrixServer.{Event, Account, Room}
defmodule Architex.Event.Leave do
alias Architex.{Event, Account, Room}
@spec new(Room.t(), Account.t()) :: Event.t()
def new(room, sender) do
@ -178,8 +178,8 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.Event.Leave do
defmodule MatrixServer.Event.Kick do
alias MatrixServer.{Event, Account, Room}
defmodule Architex.Event.Kick do
alias Architex.{Event, Account, Room}
@spec new(Room.t(), Account.t(), String.t(), String.t() | nil) :: Event.t()
def new(room, sender, user_id, reason \\ nil) do
@ -195,8 +195,8 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.Event.Kick do
defmodule MatrixServer.Event.Ban do
alias MatrixServer.{Event, Account, Room}
defmodule Architex.Event.Ban do
alias Architex.{Event, Account, Room}
@spec new(Room.t(), Account.t(), String.t(), String.t() | nil) :: Event.t()
def new(room, sender, user_id, reason \\ nil) do
@ -212,8 +212,8 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.Event.Ban do
defmodule MatrixServer.Event.Unban do
alias MatrixServer.{Event, Account, Room}
defmodule Architex.Event.Unban do
alias Architex.{Event, Account, Room}
@spec new(Room.t(), Account.t(), String.t()) :: Event.t()
def new(room, sender, user_id) do
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
defmodule MatrixServer.JoinedRoom do
defmodule Architex.JoinedRoom do
use Ecto.Schema
alias MatrixServer.{Account, Room}
alias Architex.{Account, Room}
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
account_id: integer(),
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
defmodule MatrixServer.Room do
defmodule Architex.Room do
use Ecto.Schema
import Ecto.Changeset
import Ecto.Query
alias MatrixServer.{Repo, Room, Event, Alias, RoomServer}
alias MatrixServerWeb.Client.Request.CreateRoom
alias Architex.{Repo, Room, Event, Alias, RoomServer}
alias ArchitexWeb.Client.Request.CreateRoom
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
visibility: :public | :private,
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.Room do
def generate_room_id do
"!" <> MatrixServer.random_string(18) <> ":" <> MatrixServer.server_name()
"!" <> Architex.random_string(18) <> ":" <> Architex.server_name()
def update_forward_extremities(
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
defmodule MatrixServer.ServerKeyInfo do
defmodule Architex.ServerKeyInfo do
use Ecto.Schema
import Ecto.Query
alias MatrixServer.{Repo, ServerKeyInfo, SigningKey}
alias MatrixServerWeb.Federation.HTTPClient
alias MatrixServerWeb.Federation.Request.GetSigningKeys
alias Architex.{Repo, ServerKeyInfo, SigningKey}
alias ArchitexWeb.Federation.HTTPClient
alias ArchitexWeb.Federation.Request.GetSigningKeys
alias Ecto.Multi
@primary_key {:server_name, :string, []}
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.ServerKeyInfo do
ski = %ServerKeyInfo{
server_name: server_name,
MatrixServer.min_datetime(in_a_week, valid_until) |> DateTime.to_unix(:millisecond)
Architex.min_datetime(in_a_week, valid_until) |> DateTime.to_unix(:millisecond)
case upsert_multi(server_name, ski, signing_keys) |> Repo.transaction() do
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
defmodule MatrixServer.SigningKey do
defmodule Architex.SigningKey do
use Ecto.Schema
import Ecto.Changeset
import Ecto.Query
alias MatrixServer.{Repo, SigningKey, ServerKeyInfo}
alias Architex.{Repo, SigningKey, ServerKeyInfo}
@primary_key false
schema "signing_keys" do
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
defmodule MatrixServer.StateResolution do
defmodule Architex.StateResolution do
@moduledoc """
Functions for resolving the state of a Matrix room.
@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.StateResolution do
import Ecto.Query
alias MatrixServer.{Repo, Event, Room}
alias MatrixServer.StateResolution.Authorization
alias Architex.{Repo, Event, Room}
alias Architex.StateResolution.Authorization
@type state_set :: map()
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
defmodule MatrixServer.StateResolution.Authorization do
defmodule Architex.StateResolution.Authorization do
@moduledoc """
Implementation of Matrix event authorization rules for state resolution.
Note that some authorization rules are already checked in
`MatrixServer.Event.prevalidate/1` so they are skipped here.
`Architex.Event.prevalidate/1` so they are skipped here.
import MatrixServer.StateResolution
import Architex.StateResolution
import Ecto.Query
alias MatrixServer.{Repo, Event}
alias MatrixServer.Types.UserId
alias MatrixServer.StateResolution, as: StateRes
alias Architex.{Repo, Event}
alias Architex.Types.UserId
alias Architex.StateResolution, as: StateRes
@typep action :: :invite | :ban | :redact | :kick | {:event, Event.t()}
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
defmodule MatrixServer.Types.AliasId do
defmodule Architex.Types.AliasId do
use Ecto.Type
alias MatrixServer.Types.AliasId
alias Architex.Types.AliasId
defstruct [:localpart, :domain]
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.Types.AliasId do
with "#" <> rest <- s,
[localpart, domain] <- String.split(rest, ":", parts: 2) do
if String.length(localpart) + String.length(domain) + 2 <= 255 and
MatrixServer.valid_domain?(domain) do
Architex.valid_domain?(domain) do
{:ok, %AliasId{localpart: localpart, domain: domain}}
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
defmodule MatrixServer.Types.EventId do
defmodule Architex.Types.EventId do
use Ecto.Type
alias MatrixServer.Types.EventId
alias Architex.Types.EventId
defstruct [:id]
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
defmodule MatrixServer.Types.GroupId do
defmodule Architex.Types.GroupId do
use Ecto.Type
alias MatrixServer.Types.GroupId
alias Architex.Types.GroupId
defstruct [:localpart, :domain]
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.Types.GroupId do
[localpart, domain] <- String.split(rest, ":", parts: 2) do
if String.length(localpart) + String.length(domain) + 2 <= 255 and
Regex.match?(@localpart_regex, localpart) and
MatrixServer.valid_domain?(domain) do
Architex.valid_domain?(domain) do
{:ok, %GroupId{localpart: localpart, domain: domain}}
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
defmodule MatrixServer.Types.RoomId do
defmodule Architex.Types.RoomId do
use Ecto.Type
alias MatrixServer.Types.RoomId
alias Architex.Types.RoomId
defstruct [:localpart, :domain]
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.Types.RoomId do
def cast(s) when is_binary(s) do
with "!" <> rest <- s,
[localpart, domain] <- String.split(rest, ":", parts: 2) do
if MatrixServer.valid_domain?(domain) do
if Architex.valid_domain?(domain) do
{:ok, %RoomId{localpart: localpart, domain: domain}}
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
defmodule MatrixServer.Types.UserId do
defmodule Architex.Types.UserId do
use Ecto.Type
alias MatrixServer.Types.UserId
alias Architex.Types.UserId
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
localpart: String.t(),
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.Types.UserId do
with "@" <> rest <- s,
[localpart, domain] <- String.split(rest, ":", parts: 2) do
if String.length(localpart) + String.length(domain) + 2 <= 255 and
Regex.match?(@localpart_regex, localpart) and MatrixServer.valid_domain?(domain) do
Regex.match?(@localpart_regex, localpart) and Architex.valid_domain?(domain) do
{:ok, %UserId{localpart: localpart, domain: domain}}
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
defmodule MatrixServerWeb do
defmodule ArchitexWeb do
@moduledoc """
The entrypoint for defining your web interface, such
as controllers, views, channels and so on.
This can be used in your application as:
use MatrixServerWeb, :controller
use MatrixServerWeb, :view
use ArchitexWeb, :controller
use ArchitexWeb, :view
The definitions below will be executed for every view,
controller, etc, so keep them short and clean, focused
@ -19,18 +19,18 @@ defmodule MatrixServerWeb do
def controller do
quote do
use Phoenix.Controller, namespace: MatrixServerWeb
use Phoenix.Controller, namespace: ArchitexWeb
import Plug.Conn
alias MatrixServerWeb.Router.Helpers, as: Routes
alias ArchitexWeb.Router.Helpers, as: Routes
def view do
quote do
use Phoenix.View,
root: "lib/matrix_server_web/templates",
namespace: MatrixServerWeb
root: "lib/architex_web/templates",
namespace: ArchitexWeb
# Import convenience functions from controllers
import Phoenix.Controller,
@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ defmodule MatrixServerWeb do
# Import basic rendering functionality (render, render_layout, etc)
import Phoenix.View
import MatrixServerWeb.ErrorHelpers
alias MatrixServerWeb.Router.Helpers, as: Routes
import ArchitexWeb.ErrorHelpers
alias ArchitexWeb.Router.Helpers, as: Routes
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Client.Plug.AuthenticateClient do
import MatrixServerWeb.Error
defmodule ArchitexWeb.Client.Plug.AuthenticateClient do
import ArchitexWeb.Error
import Plug.Conn
alias MatrixServer.Account
alias Architex.Account
alias Plug.Conn
def init(opts), do: opts
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Client.AccountController do
use MatrixServerWeb, :controller
defmodule ArchitexWeb.Client.AccountController do
use ArchitexWeb, :controller
import MatrixServer
import MatrixServerWeb.Error
import Architex
import ArchitexWeb.Error
alias MatrixServer.{Account, Repo}
alias Architex.{Account, Repo}
alias Plug.Conn
@doc """
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Client.AliasesController do
use MatrixServerWeb, :controller
defmodule ArchitexWeb.Client.AliasesController do
use ArchitexWeb, :controller
import MatrixServerWeb.Error
import ArchitexWeb.Error
alias MatrixServer.Alias
alias Architex.Alias
@doc """
Create a new mapping from room alias to room ID.
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Client.InfoController do
use MatrixServerWeb, :controller
defmodule ArchitexWeb.Client.InfoController do
use ArchitexWeb, :controller
import MatrixServerWeb.Error
import ArchitexWeb.Error
@supported_versions ["r0.6.1"]
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Client.LoginController do
use MatrixServerWeb, :controller
defmodule ArchitexWeb.Client.LoginController do
use ArchitexWeb, :controller
import MatrixServerWeb.Error
import ArchitexWeb.Error
import Ecto.Changeset
alias MatrixServer.{Repo, Account, Device}
alias MatrixServerWeb.Client.Request.Login
alias Architex.{Repo, Account, Device}
alias ArchitexWeb.Client.Request.Login
alias Ecto.Changeset
@login_type "m.login.password"
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Client.LoginController do
{%Account{localpart: localpart},
%Device{access_token: access_token, device_id: device_id}}} ->
data = %{
user_id: MatrixServer.get_mxid(localpart),
user_id: Architex.get_mxid(localpart),
access_token: access_token,
device_id: device_id
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Client.RegisterController do
use MatrixServerWeb, :controller
defmodule ArchitexWeb.Client.RegisterController do
use ArchitexWeb, :controller
import MatrixServerWeb.Error
import ArchitexWeb.Error
import Ecto.Changeset
alias MatrixServer.{Repo, Account, Device}
alias MatrixServerWeb.Client.Request.Register
alias Architex.{Repo, Account, Device}
alias ArchitexWeb.Client.Request.Register
alias Ecto.Changeset
@register_type "m.login.dummy"
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Client.RegisterController do
account: %Account{localpart: localpart},
device: %Device{device_id: device_id, access_token: access_token}
}} ->
data = %{user_id: MatrixServer.get_mxid(localpart)}
data = %{user_id: Architex.get_mxid(localpart)}
data =
if not inhibit_login do
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Client.RoomController do
use MatrixServerWeb, :controller
defmodule ArchitexWeb.Client.RoomController do
use ArchitexWeb, :controller
import MatrixServerWeb.Error
import ArchitexWeb.Error
import Ecto.{Changeset, Query}
alias MatrixServer.{Repo, Room, RoomServer}
alias MatrixServer.Types.UserId
alias MatrixServerWeb.Client.Request.{CreateRoom, Kick, Ban}
alias Architex.{Repo, Room, RoomServer}
alias Architex.Types.UserId
alias ArchitexWeb.Client.Request.{CreateRoom, Kick, Ban}
alias Ecto.Changeset
alias Plug.Conn
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Client.RoomDirectoryController do
use MatrixServerWeb, :controller
defmodule ArchitexWeb.Client.RoomDirectoryController do
use ArchitexWeb, :controller
import MatrixServerWeb.Error
import ArchitexWeb.Error
import Ecto.Query
alias MatrixServer.{Repo, Room, RoomServer}
alias Architex.{Repo, Room, RoomServer}
alias Plug.Conn
@doc """
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Client.Request.Ban do
use MatrixServerWeb.Request
defmodule ArchitexWeb.Client.Request.Ban do
use ArchitexWeb.Request
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
user_id: String.t(),
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Client.Request.CreateRoom do
defmodule ArchitexWeb.Client.Request.CreateRoom do
use Ecto.Schema
import Ecto.Changeset
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Client.Request.Kick do
use MatrixServerWeb.Request
defmodule ArchitexWeb.Client.Request.Kick do
use ArchitexWeb.Request
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
user_id: String.t(),
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Client.Request.Login do
defmodule ArchitexWeb.Client.Request.Login do
use Ecto.Schema
import Ecto.Changeset
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Client.Request.Register do
defmodule ArchitexWeb.Client.Request.Register do
use Ecto.Schema
import Ecto.Changeset
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Endpoint do
use Phoenix.Endpoint, otp_app: :matrix_server
defmodule ArchitexWeb.Endpoint do
use Phoenix.Endpoint, otp_app: :architex
# The session will be stored in the cookie and signed,
# this means its contents can be read but not tampered with.
# Set :encryption_salt if you would also like to encrypt it.
@session_options [
store: :cookie,
key: "_matrix_server_key",
key: "_architex_key",
signing_salt: "IGPHtnAo"
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Endpoint do
# when deploying your static files in production.
plug Plug.Static,
at: "/",
from: :matrix_server,
from: :architex,
gzip: false,
only: ~w(css fonts images js favicon.ico robots.txt)
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Endpoint do
# :code_reloader configuration of your endpoint.
if code_reloading? do
plug Phoenix.CodeReloader
plug Phoenix.Ecto.CheckRepoStatus, otp_app: :matrix_server
plug Phoenix.Ecto.CheckRepoStatus, otp_app: :architex
plug Plug.RequestId
@ -40,5 +40,5 @@ defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Endpoint do
plug Plug.Session, @session_options
plug CORSPlug
plug MatrixServerWeb.Router
plug ArchitexWeb.Router
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Error do
defmodule ArchitexWeb.Error do
import Plug.Conn
import Phoenix.Controller, only: [json: 2]
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Federation.AuthenticateServer do
import MatrixServerWeb.Error
defmodule ArchitexWeb.Federation.AuthenticateServer do
import ArchitexWeb.Error
alias MatrixServer.{SigningKey, ServerKeyInfo}
alias Architex.{SigningKey, ServerKeyInfo}
@auth_header_regex ~r/^X-Matrix origin=(?<origin>.*),key="(?<key>.*)",sig="(?<sig>.*)"$/
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Federation.AuthenticateServer do
object_to_sign = %{
uri: uri,
method: method,
destination: MatrixServer.server_name()
destination: Architex.server_name()
object_to_sign =
@ -43,13 +43,13 @@ defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Federation.AuthenticateServer do
|> Enum.find(:error, fn {origin, _, sig} ->
object = object_fun.(origin)
with {:ok, raw_sig} <- MatrixServer.decode_base64(sig),
{:ok, encoded_object} <- MatrixServer.encode_canonical_json(object),
with {:ok, raw_sig} <- Architex.decode_base64(sig),
{:ok, encoded_object} <- Architex.encode_canonical_json(object),
{:ok, %ServerKeyInfo{signing_keys: keys}} <-
ServerKeyInfo.with_fresh_signing_keys(origin) do
Enum.find_value(keys, false, fn %SigningKey{signing_key: signing_key} ->
with {:ok, decoded_key} <- MatrixServer.decode_base64(signing_key) do
MatrixServer.sign_verify(raw_sig, encoded_object, decoded_key)
with {:ok, decoded_key} <- Architex.decode_base64(signing_key) do
Architex.sign_verify(raw_sig, encoded_object, decoded_key)
_ -> false
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Federation.AuthenticateServer do
action = action_name(conn)
if action not in unquote(except) do
case MatrixServerWeb.Federation.AuthenticateServer.authenticate(conn) do
case ArchitexWeb.Federation.AuthenticateServer.authenticate(conn) do
{origin, _key, _sig} ->
conn = Plug.Conn.assign(conn, :origin, origin)
apply(__MODULE__, action, [conn, conn.params])
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Federation.EventController do
use MatrixServerWeb, :controller
use MatrixServerWeb.Federation.AuthenticateServer
defmodule ArchitexWeb.Federation.EventController do
use ArchitexWeb, :controller
use ArchitexWeb.Federation.AuthenticateServer
import MatrixServerWeb.Error
import ArchitexWeb.Error
import Ecto.Query
alias MatrixServer.{Repo, Event, RoomServer}
alias MatrixServerWeb.Federation.Transaction
alias Architex.{Repo, Event, RoomServer}
alias ArchitexWeb.Federation.Transaction
@doc """
Retrieves a single event.
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Federation.KeyController do
use MatrixServerWeb, :controller
defmodule ArchitexWeb.Federation.KeyController do
use ArchitexWeb, :controller
import MatrixServerWeb.Error
import ArchitexWeb.Error
alias MatrixServer.KeyServer
alias Architex.KeyServer
@doc """
Gets the homeserver's published signing keys.
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Federation.KeyController do
valid_until = DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.add(60 * 60 * 24 * 30, :second)
data = %{
server_name: MatrixServer.server_name(),
server_name: Architex.server_name(),
verify_keys: keys,
old_verify_keys: %{},
valid_until_ts: DateTime.to_unix(valid_until, :millisecond)
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Federation.KeyController do
case KeyServer.sign_object(data) do
{:ok, sig, key_id} ->
signed_data = MatrixServer.add_signature(data, key_id, sig)
signed_data = Architex.add_signature(data, key_id, sig)
|> put_status(200)
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Federation.QueryController do
use MatrixServerWeb, :controller
use MatrixServerWeb.Federation.AuthenticateServer
defmodule ArchitexWeb.Federation.QueryController do
use ArchitexWeb, :controller
use ArchitexWeb.Federation.AuthenticateServer
import MatrixServerWeb.Error
import ArchitexWeb.Error
import Ecto.Query
alias MatrixServer.{Repo, Account}
alias MatrixServer.Types.UserId
alias Architex.{Repo, Account}
alias Architex.Types.UserId
defmodule ProfileRequest do
use Ecto.Schema
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Federation.QueryController do
def profile(conn, params) do
with {:ok, %ProfileRequest{user_id: %UserId{localpart: localpart, domain: domain}}} <-
ProfileRequest.validate(params) do
if domain == MatrixServer.server_name() do
if domain == Architex.server_name() do
case a in Account, where: a.localpart == ^localpart) do
%Account{} ->
# TODO: Return displayname and avatar_url when we implement them.
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Federation.HTTPClient do
defmodule ArchitexWeb.Federation.HTTPClient do
use Tesla
alias MatrixServerWeb.Endpoint
alias MatrixServerWeb.Federation.Request.GetSigningKeys
alias MatrixServerWeb.Federation.Middleware.SignRequest
alias MatrixServerWeb.Router.Helpers, as: RouteHelpers
alias ArchitexWeb.Endpoint
alias ArchitexWeb.Federation.Request.GetSigningKeys
alias ArchitexWeb.Federation.Middleware.SignRequest
alias ArchitexWeb.Router.Helpers, as: RouteHelpers
# TODO: Maybe create database-backed homeserver struct to pass to client function.
# TODO: Fix error propagation.
@adapter {Tesla.Adapter.Finch, name: MatrixServerWeb.HTTPClient}
@adapter {Tesla.Adapter.Finch, name: ArchitexWeb.HTTPClient}
def client(server_name) do
@ -29,17 +29,17 @@ defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Federation.HTTPClient do
with {:ok,
%GetSigningKeys{server_name: server_name, verify_keys: verify_keys, signatures: sigs} =
response} <- tesla_request(:get, client, path, GetSigningKeys),
serializable_response <- MatrixServer.to_serializable_map(response),
serializable_response <- Architex.to_serializable_map(response),
serializable_response <- Map.drop(serializable_response, [:signatures]),
{:ok, encoded_body} <- MatrixServer.encode_canonical_json(serializable_response),
{:ok, encoded_body} <- Architex.encode_canonical_json(serializable_response),
server_sigs when not is_nil(server_sigs) <- sigs[server_name] do
# For each verify key, check if there is a matching signature.
# If not, invalidate the whole response.
Enum.all?(verify_keys, fn {key_id, %{"key" => key}} ->
with true <- Map.has_key?(server_sigs, key_id),
{:ok, decoded_key} <- MatrixServer.decode_base64(key),
{:ok, decoded_sig} <- MatrixServer.decode_base64(server_sigs[key_id]) do
MatrixServer.sign_verify(decoded_sig, encoded_body, decoded_key)
{:ok, decoded_key} <- Architex.decode_base64(key),
{:ok, decoded_sig} <- Architex.decode_base64(server_sigs[key_id]) do
Architex.sign_verify(decoded_sig, encoded_body, decoded_key)
_ -> false
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Federation.Request.GetSigningKeys do
defmodule ArchitexWeb.Federation.Request.GetSigningKeys do
use Ecto.Schema
import Ecto.Changeset
@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Federation.Request.GetSigningKeys do
|> cast(params, [:server_name, :verify_keys, :old_verify_keys, :signatures, :valid_until_ts])
|> validate_required([:server_name, :verify_keys, :valid_until_ts])
|> MatrixServer.validate_change_simple(:verify_keys, fn map ->
|> Architex.validate_change_simple(:verify_keys, fn map ->
Enum.all?(map, fn {_, map} ->
is_map_key(map, "key")
|> MatrixServer.validate_change_simple(:old_verify_keys, fn map ->
|> Architex.validate_change_simple(:old_verify_keys, fn map ->
Enum.all?(map, fn
{_, %{"key" => key, "expired_ts" => expired_ts}}
when is_binary(key) and is_integer(expired_ts) ->
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Federation.Middleware.SignRequest do
defmodule ArchitexWeb.Federation.Middleware.SignRequest do
@behaviour Tesla.Middleware
def call(%Tesla.Env{opts: opts} = env, next, _opts) do
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Federation.Middleware.SignRequest do
defp sign_request(env, false), do: env
defp sign_request(%Tesla.Env{method: method, url: path, opts: opts, body: body} = env, true) do
origin = MatrixServer.server_name()
origin = Architex.server_name()
object_to_sign = %{
method: Atom.to_string(method) |> String.upcase(),
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Federation.Middleware.SignRequest do
object_to_sign =
if not is_nil(body), do: Map.put(object_to_sign, :content, body), else: object_to_sign
with {:ok, sig, key_id} <- MatrixServer.KeyServer.sign_object(object_to_sign) do
with {:ok, sig, key_id} <- Architex.KeyServer.sign_object(object_to_sign) do
sigs = %{origin => %{key_id => sig}}
auth_headers = create_signature_authorization_headers(sigs, origin)
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Federation.Transaction do
alias MatrixServer.Event
alias MatrixServerWeb.Federation.Transaction
defmodule ArchitexWeb.Federation.Transaction do
alias Architex.Event
alias ArchitexWeb.Federation.Transaction
@type edu :: any()
@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Federation.Transaction do
@spec new([Event.t()], [edu()] | nil) :: t()
def new(pdu_events, edus \\ nil) do
origin: MatrixServer.server_name(),
origin: Architex.server_name(),
origin_server_ts: System.os_time(:millisecond),
pdus:, &MatrixServer.to_serializable_map/1),
pdus:, &Architex.to_serializable_map/1),
edus: edus
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Request do
defmodule ArchitexWeb.Request do
import Ecto.Changeset
alias Ecto.Changeset
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Request do
@spec parse(map()) :: {:ok, struct()} | {:error, Changeset.t()}
def parse(params) do
MatrixServerWeb.Request.parse(__MODULE__, params)
ArchitexWeb.Request.parse(__MODULE__, params)
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Router do
use MatrixServerWeb, :router
defmodule ArchitexWeb.Router do
use ArchitexWeb, :router
alias MatrixServerWeb.Client.Plug.AuthenticateClient
alias ArchitexWeb.Client.Plug.AuthenticateClient
# TODO: might be able to handle malformed JSON with custom body reader:
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Router do
# Public client endpoint.
scope "/_matrix/client", MatrixServerWeb.Client do
scope "/_matrix/client", ArchitexWeb.Client do
pipe_through :public
scope "/r0" do
@ -37,14 +37,14 @@ defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Router do
# Public federation endpoint.
scope "/_matrix", MatrixServerWeb.Federation do
scope "/_matrix", ArchitexWeb.Federation do
scope "/key/v2" do
get "/server", KeyController, :get_signing_keys
# Authenticated client endpoint.
scope "/_matrix/client", MatrixServerWeb.Client do
scope "/_matrix/client", ArchitexWeb.Client do
pipe_through :authenticate_client
scope "/r0" do
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Router do
# Authenticated federation endpoint.
scope "/_matrix/federation", MatrixServerWeb.Federation do
scope "/_matrix/federation", ArchitexWeb.Federation do
pipe_through :authenticate_server
scope "/v1" do
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Router do
scope "/", MatrixServerWeb.Client do
scope "/", ArchitexWeb.Client do
match :*, "/*path", InfoController, :unrecognized
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Telemetry do
defmodule ArchitexWeb.Telemetry do
use Supervisor
import Telemetry.Metrics
@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Telemetry do
# Database Metrics
summary("matrix_server.repo.query.total_time", unit: {:native, :millisecond}),
summary("matrix_server.repo.query.decode_time", unit: {:native, :millisecond}),
summary("matrix_server.repo.query.query_time", unit: {:native, :millisecond}),
summary("matrix_server.repo.query.queue_time", unit: {:native, :millisecond}),
summary("matrix_server.repo.query.idle_time", unit: {:native, :millisecond}),
summary("architex.repo.query.total_time", unit: {:native, :millisecond}),
summary("architex.repo.query.decode_time", unit: {:native, :millisecond}),
summary("architex.repo.query.query_time", unit: {:native, :millisecond}),
summary("architex.repo.query.queue_time", unit: {:native, :millisecond}),
summary("architex.repo.query.idle_time", unit: {:native, :millisecond}),
# VM Metrics
summary("", unit: {:byte, :kilobyte}),
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Telemetry do
# A module, function and arguments to be invoked periodically.
# This function must call :telemetry.execute/3 and a metric must be added above.
# {MatrixServerWeb, :count_users, []}
# {ArchitexWeb, :count_users, []}
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
defmodule MatrixServer.Application do
# See
# for more information on OTP Applications
@moduledoc false
use Application
def start(_type, _args) do
children = [
{Phoenix.PubSub, name: MatrixServer.PubSub},
{Registry, keys: :unique, name: MatrixServer.RoomServer.Registry},
{DynamicSupervisor, name: MatrixServer.RoomServer.Supervisor, strategy: :one_for_one},
{Finch, name: MatrixServerWeb.HTTPClient}
Supervisor.start_link(children, name: MatrixServer.Supervisor, strategy: :one_for_one)
# Tell Phoenix to update the endpoint configuration
# whenever the application is updated.
def config_change(changed, _new, removed) do
MatrixServerWeb.Endpoint.config_change(changed, removed)
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
defmodule MatrixServer.Repo do
use Ecto.Repo,
otp_app: :matrix_server,
adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
defmodule MatrixServer.MixProject do
defmodule Architex.MixProject do
use Mix.Project
def project do
app: :matrix_server,
app: :architex,
version: "0.1.0",
elixir: "~> 1.7",
elixirc_paths: elixirc_paths(Mix.env()),
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.MixProject do
# Type `mix help` for more information.
def application do
mod: {MatrixServer.Application, []},
mod: {Architex.Application, []},
extra_applications: [:logger, :runtime_tools]
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
defmodule MatrixServer.Repo.Migrations.CreateInitialTables do
defmodule Architex.Repo.Migrations.CreateInitialTables do
use Ecto.Migration
def change do
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
alias MatrixServer.{Repo, Account}
alias Architex.{Repo, Account}
account =
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
sudo -u postgres psql -d matrix_server_dev
sudo -u postgres psql -d architex_dev
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
defmodule MatrixServerWeb.InfoControllerTest do
use MatrixServerWeb.ConnCase
defmodule ArchitexWeb.InfoControllerTest do
use ArchitexWeb.ConnCase
test "versions endpoint returns a list of supported Matrix spec versions", %{conn: conn} do
conn = get(conn, Routes.info_path(conn, :versions))
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServerWeb.InfoControllerTest do
test "unrecognized route renders M_UNRECOGNIZED error", %{conn: conn} do
conn = get(conn, MatrixServerWeb.Endpoint.url() <> "/sneed")
conn = get(conn, ArchitexWeb.Endpoint.url() <> "/sneed")
assert %{"errcode" => "M_UNRECOGNIZED"} = json_response(conn, 400)
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
defmodule MatrixServerWeb.LoginControllerTest do
use MatrixServerWeb.ConnCase
defmodule ArchitexWeb.LoginControllerTest do
use ArchitexWeb.ConnCase
alias MatrixServer.Factory
alias MatrixServerWeb.Endpoint
alias Architex.Factory
alias ArchitexWeb.Endpoint
@basic_params %{
"type" => "m.login.password",
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServerWeb.LoginControllerTest do
|> post_json(Routes.login_path(Endpoint, :login), %{
| "identifier" => %{"type" => "", "user" => MatrixServer.get_mxid("sneed")}
| "identifier" => %{"type" => "", "user" => Architex.get_mxid("sneed")}
assert %{"user_id" => _, "access_token" => _, "device_id" => _} = json_response(conn, 200)
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
defmodule MatrixServerWeb.RegisterControllerTest do
use MatrixServerWeb.ConnCase
defmodule ArchitexWeb.RegisterControllerTest do
use ArchitexWeb.ConnCase
import Ecto.Query
alias MatrixServer.{Repo, Device, Factory}
alias MatrixServerWeb.Endpoint
alias Architex.{Repo, Device, Factory}
alias ArchitexWeb.Endpoint
@basic_params %{
"username" => "user",
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServerWeb.RegisterControllerTest do
test "registers account with minimal information", %{conn: conn} do
conn = post_json(conn, Routes.register_path(Endpoint, :register), @basic_params)
user_id = MatrixServer.get_mxid("user")
user_id = Architex.get_mxid("user")
assert %{"access_token" => _, "device_id" => _, "user_id" => ^user_id} =
json_response(conn, 200)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
defmodule MatrixServerWeb.ConnCase do
defmodule ArchitexWeb.ConnCase do
@moduledoc """
This module defines the test case to be used by
tests that require setting up a connection.
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServerWeb.ConnCase do
we enable the SQL sandbox, so changes done to the database
are reverted at the end of every test. If you are using
PostgreSQL, you can even run database tests asynchronously
by setting `use MatrixServerWeb.ConnCase, async: true`, although
by setting `use ArchitexWeb.ConnCase, async: true`, although
this option is not recommended for other databases.
@ -22,20 +22,20 @@ defmodule MatrixServerWeb.ConnCase do
# Import conveniences for testing with connections
import Plug.Conn
import Phoenix.ConnTest
import MatrixServerWeb.ConnCase
import ArchitexWeb.ConnCase
alias MatrixServerWeb.Router.Helpers, as: Routes
alias ArchitexWeb.Router.Helpers, as: Routes
# The default endpoint for testing
@endpoint MatrixServerWeb.Endpoint
@endpoint ArchitexWeb.Endpoint
setup tags do
:ok = Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox.checkout(MatrixServer.Repo)
:ok = Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox.checkout(Architex.Repo)
unless tags[:async] do
Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox.mode(MatrixServer.Repo, {:shared, self()})
Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox.mode(Architex.Repo, {:shared, self()})
{:ok, conn: Phoenix.ConnTest.build_conn()}
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
defmodule MatrixServer.DataCase do
defmodule Architex.DataCase do
@moduledoc """
This module defines the setup for tests requiring
access to the application's data layer.
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.DataCase do
we enable the SQL sandbox, so changes done to the database
are reverted at the end of every test. If you are using
PostgreSQL, you can even run database tests asynchronously
by setting `use MatrixServer.DataCase, async: true`, although
by setting `use Architex.DataCase, async: true`, although
this option is not recommended for other databases.
@ -18,20 +18,20 @@ defmodule MatrixServer.DataCase do
using do
quote do
alias MatrixServer.Repo
alias Architex.Repo
import Ecto
import Ecto.Changeset
import Ecto.Query
import MatrixServer.DataCase
import Architex.DataCase
setup tags do
:ok = Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox.checkout(MatrixServer.Repo)
:ok = Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox.checkout(Architex.Repo)
unless tags[:async] do
Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox.mode(MatrixServer.Repo, {:shared, self()})
Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox.mode(Architex.Repo, {:shared, self()})
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
defmodule MatrixServer.Factory do
use ExMachina.Ecto, repo: MatrixServer.Repo
defmodule Architex.Factory do
use ExMachina.Ecto, repo: Architex.Repo
alias MatrixServer.{Account, Device}
alias Architex.{Account, Device}
def account_factory do
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox.mode(MatrixServer.Repo, :manual)
Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox.mode(Architex.Repo, :manual)
Add table
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