defmodule Architex do @moduledoc """ Utility functions used throughout the project. """ alias Architex.EncodableMap @random_string_alphabet Enum.into(?a..?z, []) ++ Enum.into(?A..?Z, []) @ipv6_regex ~r/^\[(?[^\]]+)\](?:\d{1,5})?$/ @ipv4_regex ~r/^(?[^:]+)(?:\d{1,5})?$/ @dns_regex ~r/^[[:alnum:]-.]{1,255}$/ @doc """ Get the full MXID for a user's localpart, using the homeserver's server name as the domain. """ @spec get_mxid(String.t()) :: String.t() def get_mxid(localpart) when is_binary(localpart) do "@#{localpart}:#{server_name()}" end @doc """ Get the homeserver's server name. """ @spec server_name() :: String.t() def server_name do Application.get_env(:architex, :server_name) end @doc """ Get a regex to match a user's localpart. """ @spec localpart_regex() :: Regex.t() def localpart_regex, do: ~r/^([a-z0-9\._=\/])+$/ @doc """ Get a random string of `length` length and using `alphabet`'s characters. """ @spec random_string(pos_integer(), Enum.t()) :: String.t() def random_string(length, alphabet \\ @random_string_alphabet) when length >= 1 do for _ <- 1..length, into: "", do: <> end @doc """ Get the homeserver's default room version. """ @spec default_room_version() :: String.t() def default_room_version, do: "7" @doc """ Get the domain from an ID. Return `nil` if no domain was found. No validation on the domain is performed whatsoever. """ @spec get_domain(String.t()) :: String.t() | nil def get_domain(id) do case String.split(id, ":", parts: 2) do [_, server_name] -> server_name _ -> nil end end @doc """ Get the localpart from a MXID. Return `nil` if no localpart was found. No validation on the localpart is performed whatsoever. """ @spec get_localpart(String.t()) :: String.t() | nil def get_localpart(id) do with [part, _] <- String.split(id, ":", parts: 2), {_, localpart} <- String.split_at(part, 1) do localpart else _ -> nil end end @doc """ Check whether the given list contains duplicates. """ @spec has_duplicates?(list()) :: boolean() def has_duplicates?(list) do # list |> Enum.reduce_while(%MapSet{}, fn x, acc -> if MapSet.member?(acc, x), do: {:halt, false}, else: {:cont, MapSet.put(acc, x)} end) |> is_boolean() end @doc """ Encode the given string using unpadded base64. Unpadded base64 is the same as base64, except the "=" padding is removed. """ @spec encode_unpadded_base64(String.t()) :: String.t() def encode_unpadded_base64(data) do # data |> Base.encode64() |> String.trim_trailing("=") end @doc """ Decode the given base64 string. The base64 is allowed to be unpadded, as specified in `encode_unpadded_base64`. Return `:error` on decode error. """ @spec decode_base64(String.t()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | :error def decode_base64(data) when is_binary(data) do rem = rem(String.length(data), 4) padded_data = if rem > 0, do: data <> String.duplicate("=", 4 - rem), else: data Base.decode64(padded_data) end @doc """ Encode the given map as canonical JSON. See [the Matrix docs]( for explanation for canonical JSON. Return an error if the map could not be encoded. """ @spec encode_canonical_json(map()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, Jason.EncodeError.t()} def encode_canonical_json(object) do object |> EncodableMap.from_map() |> Jason.encode() end @doc """ Convert a struct to a map, removing any schema or association fields, as well as fields that have `nil` values. """ @spec to_serializable_map(struct()) :: map() def to_serializable_map(struct) do # association_fields = if Kernel.function_exported?(struct.__struct__, :__schema__, 1) do struct.__struct__.__schema__(:associations) else [] end waste_fields = association_fields ++ [:__meta__] struct |> Map.from_struct() |> Enum.reject(fn {k, v} -> is_nil(v) or k in waste_fields end) |> Enum.into(%{}) end @doc """ Add a signature to the given map under the `:signatures` key. If the map has no `:signatures` key, it is created. """ @spec add_signature(map(), String.t(), String.t()) :: map() def add_signature(object, key_id, sig) when not is_map_key(object, :signatures) do Map.put(object, :signatures, %{Architex.server_name() => %{key_id => sig}}) end def add_signature(%{signatures: sigs} = object, key_id, sig) do new_sigs = Map.update(sigs, Architex.server_name(), %{key_id => sig}, &Map.put(&1, key_id, sig)) %{object | signatures: new_sigs} end @doc """ Validate a changeset's field where the reason for invalidation is not needed. """ @spec validate_change_truthy(Ecto.Changeset.t(), atom(), (term() -> boolean())) :: Ecto.Changeset.t() def validate_change_truthy(changeset, field, func) do augmented_func = fn _, val -> if func.(val), do: [], else: [{field, "invalid"}] end Ecto.Changeset.validate_change(changeset, field, augmented_func) end @doc """ Return a Boolean whether the given signature is valid. Returns `false` if `:enacl` throws an exception. """ @spec sign_verify(binary(), String.t(), binary()) :: boolean() def sign_verify(sig, text, key) do try do :enacl.sign_verify_detached(sig, text, key) rescue ArgumentError -> false end end @doc """ Get the earliest of the two given `DateTime`s. """ @spec min_datetime(DateTime.t(), DateTime.t()) :: DateTime.t() def min_datetime(datetime1, datetime2) do if, datetime2) == :gt do datetime2 else datetime1 end end @doc """ Encode the given string using URL-safe base64. URL-safe base64 is the same was unpadded base64, except "+" is replaced by "-" and "/" is replaced by "_". See [the Matrix docs]( for more details. """ @spec encode_url_safe_base64(String.t()) :: String.t() def encode_url_safe_base64(data) do data |> encode_unpadded_base64() |> String.replace("+", "-") |> String.replace("/", "_") end @doc """ Check whether the given domain (including port) is valid. The domain could be a DNS name, IPv4 or IPv6 address. See [the Matrix docs]( for more details. """ @spec valid_domain?(String.t()) :: boolean() def valid_domain?(domain) do if String.starts_with?(domain, "[") do # Parse as ipv6. with %{"ip" => ip} <- Regex.named_captures(@ipv6_regex, domain), {:ok, _} <- :inet.parse_address(String.to_charlist(ip)) do true else _ -> false end else # Parse as ipv4 or dns name. case Regex.named_captures(@ipv4_regex, domain) do nil -> false %{"hostname" => hostname} -> # Try to parse as ipv4. case String.to_charlist(hostname) |> :inet.parse_address() do {:ok, _} -> true {:error, _} -> # Try to parse as dns name. Regex.match?(@dns_regex, hostname) end end end end # @doc """ Validate whether the given fields are not nil for the changeset. """ @spec validate_not_nil(Ecto.Changeset.t(), [atom()]) :: Ecto.Changeset.t() def validate_not_nil(changeset, fields) do Enum.reduce(fields, changeset, fn field, changeset -> if Ecto.Changeset.get_field(changeset, field) == nil do Ecto.Changeset.add_error(changeset, field, "nil") else changeset end end) end end