defmodule MatrixServer.KeyServer do use GenServer # TODO: only support one signing key for now. @signing_key_id "ed25519:1" ## Interface def start_link(opts) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, opts, name: __MODULE__) end @spec sign_object(map()) :: {:ok, String.t(), String.t()} | :error def sign_object(object) do, {:sign_object, object}) end @spec get_own_signing_keys() :: list({String.t(), binary()}) def get_own_signing_keys() do, :get_own_signing_keys) end ## Implementation @impl true def init(_opts) do {public_key, private_key} = read_keys() {:ok, %{public_key: public_key, private_key: private_key}} end @impl true def handle_call({:sign_object, object}, _from, %{private_key: private_key} = state) do case sign_object(object, private_key) do {:ok, signature} -> {:reply, {:ok, signature, @signing_key_id}, state} {:error, _reason} -> {:reply, :error, state} end end def handle_call(:get_own_signing_keys, _from, %{public_key: public_key} = state) do encoded_key = MatrixServer.encode_unpadded_base64(public_key) {:reply, [{@signing_key_id, encoded_key}], state} end # @spec sign_object(map(), binary()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, Jason.EncodeError.t()} defp sign_object(object, private_key) do object = Map.drop(object, [:signatures, :unsigned]) with {:ok, json} <- MatrixServer.encode_canonical_json(object) do signature = json |> :enacl.sign_detached(private_key) |> MatrixServer.encode_unpadded_base64() {:ok, signature} end end # TODO: not sure if there is a better way to do this... @spec read_keys() :: {binary(), binary()} defp read_keys do raw_priv_key = Application.get_env(:matrix_server, :private_key_file) |>!() "-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----\n" <> rest = raw_priv_key %{public: public, secret: private} = String.split(rest, "\n") |> Enum.take_while(&(&1 != "-----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----")) |> Enum.join() |> Base.decode64!() |> :enacl.sign_seed_keypair() {public, private} end end