defmodule MatrixServer.Event do use Ecto.Schema import Ecto.Query alias MatrixServer.{Repo, Room, Event, Account, EncodableMap, KeyServer} alias MatrixServer.Types.UserId # TODO: Could refactor to also always set prev_events, but not necessary. @type t :: %__MODULE__{ type: String.t(), origin_server_ts: integer(), state_key: String.t() | nil, sender: UserId.t(), content: map(), prev_events: [String.t()] | nil, auth_events: [String.t()], unsigned: map() | nil, signatures: map() | nil, hashes: map() | nil } @primary_key {:event_id, :string, []} schema "events" do field :type, :string field :origin_server_ts, :integer field :state_key, :string field :sender, UserId field :content, :map field :prev_events, {:array, :string} field :auth_events, {:array, :string} field :unsigned, :map field :signatures, {:map, {:map, :string}} field :hashes, {:map, :string} belongs_to :room, Room, type: :string end defimpl Jason.Encoder, for: Event do @pdu_keys [ :auth_events, :content, :depth, :hashes, :origin, :origin_server_ts, :prev_events, :redacts, :room_id, :sender, :signatures, :state_key, :type, :unsigned ] def encode(event, opts) do event |> Map.take(@pdu_keys) |> Map.update!(:sender, &Kernel.to_string/1) |> end end @spec new(Room.t(), Account.t()) :: %Event{} def new(%Room{id: room_id}, %Account{localpart: localpart}) do %Event{ room_id: room_id, sender: %UserId{localpart: localpart, domain: MatrixServer.server_name()}, origin_server_ts: DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.to_unix(:millisecond), prev_events: [], auth_events: [] } end @spec custom_message(Room.t(), Account.t(), String.t(), map()) :: t() def custom_message(room, sender, type, content) do %Event{, sender) | type: type, content: content } end @spec is_control_event(t()) :: boolean() def is_control_event(%Event{type: "", state_key: ""}), do: true def is_control_event(%Event{type: "", state_key: ""}), do: true def is_control_event(%Event{ type: "", state_key: state_key, sender: sender, content: %{membership: membership} }) do to_string(sender) != state_key and membership in ["leave", "ban"] end def is_control_event(_), do: false @spec is_state_event(t()) :: boolean() def is_state_event(%Event{state_key: state_key}), do: state_key != nil # Perform validations that can be done before state resolution. # For example checking the domain of the sender. # We assume that required keys, as well as in the content, is already validated. # Rule 1.4 is left to changeset validation. @spec prevalidate(t()) :: boolean() def prevalidate(%Event{ type: "", prev_events: prev_events, auth_events: auth_events, room_id: room_id, sender: %UserId{domain: domain} }) do # TODO: error check on domains? # TODO: rule 1.3 # Check rules: 1.1, 1.2 prev_events == [] and auth_events == [] and domain == MatrixServer.get_domain(room_id) end def prevalidate(%Event{auth_events: auth_event_ids, prev_events: prev_event_ids} = event) do prev_events = Event |> where([e], e.event_id in ^prev_event_ids) |> Repo.all() auth_events = Event |> where([e], e.event_id in ^auth_event_ids) |> Repo.all() state_pairs =, &{&1.type, &1.state_key}) # Check rules: 2.1, 2.2, 3 length(auth_events) == length(auth_event_ids) and length(prev_events) == length(prev_event_ids) and not MatrixServer.has_duplicates?(state_pairs) and valid_auth_events?(event, auth_events) and Enum.find_value(state_pairs, false, &(&1 == {"", ""})) and do_prevalidate(event, auth_events, prev_events) end # Rule 4.1 is left to changeset validation. @spec do_prevalidate(t(), [t()], [t()]) :: boolean() defp do_prevalidate( %Event{type: "", sender: %UserId{domain: domain}, state_key: state_key}, _, _ ) do # Check rule: 4.2 domain == MatrixServer.get_domain(state_key) end # Rule 5.1 is left to changeset validation. # Rules 5.2.3, 5.2.4, 5.2.5 is left to state resolution. # Check rule: 5.2.1 defp do_prevalidate( %Event{ type: "", content: %{"membership" => "join"}, sender: %UserId{localpart: localpart, domain: domain} }, _, [%Event{type: "", state_key: %UserId{localpart: localpart, domain: domain}}] ), do: true # Check rule: 5.2.2 defp do_prevalidate( %Event{ type: "", content: %{"membership" => "join"}, sender: sender, state_key: state_key }, _, _ ) do to_string(sender) == state_key end # All other rules will be checked during state resolution. defp do_prevalidate(_, _, _), do: true @spec valid_auth_events?(t(), [t()]) :: boolean() defp valid_auth_events?( %Event{type: type, sender: sender, state_key: state_key, content: content}, auth_events ) do sender = to_string(sender) Enum.all?(auth_events, fn %Event{type: "", state_key: ""} -> true %Event{type: "", state_key: ""} -> true %Event{type: "", state_key: ^sender} -> true %Event{type: auth_type, state_key: auth_state_key} -> if type == "" do %{"membership" => membership} = content (auth_type == "" and auth_state_key == state_key) or (membership in ["join", "invite"] and auth_type == "" and auth_state_key == "") or (membership == "invite" and auth_type == "" and auth_state_key == "") else false end end) end @spec calculate_content_hash(t()) :: {:ok, binary()} | {:error, Jason.EncodeError.t()} defp calculate_content_hash(event) do m = event |> MatrixServer.to_serializable_map() |> Map.drop([:unsigned, :signature, :hashes]) |> EncodableMap.from_map() with {:ok, json} <- Jason.encode(m) do {:ok, :crypto.hash(:sha256, json)} end end @spec redact(t()) :: map() defp redact(%Event{type: type, content: content} = event) do redacted_event = event |> MatrixServer.to_serializable_map() |> Map.take([ :event_id, :type, :room_id, :sender, :state_key, :content, :hashes, :signatures, :depth, :prev_events, :prev_state, :auth_events, :origin, :origin_server_ts, :membership ]) %{redacted_event | content: redact_content(type, content)} end @spec redact_content(String.t(), map()) :: map() defp redact_content("", content), do: Map.take(content, ["membership"]) defp redact_content("", content), do: Map.take(content, ["creator"]) defp redact_content("", content), do: Map.take(content, ["join_rule"]) defp redact_content("", content), do: Map.take(content, ["aliases"]) defp redact_content("", content), do: Map.take(content, ["history_visibility"]) defp redact_content("", content), do: Map.take(content, [ "ban", "events", "events_default", "kick", "redact", "state_default", "users", "users_default" ]) defp redact_content(_, _), do: %{} # Adds content hash, adds signature and calculates event id. @spec post_process(t()) :: {:ok, t()} | :error def post_process(event) do with {:ok, content_hash} <- calculate_content_hash(event) do encoded_hash = MatrixServer.encode_unpadded_base64(content_hash) event = %Event{event | hashes: %{"sha256" => encoded_hash}} with {:ok, sig, key_id} <- KeyServer.sign_object(redact(event)) do event = %Event{event | signatures: %{MatrixServer.server_name() => %{key_id => sig}}} with {:ok, event} <- set_event_id(event) do {:ok, event} else _ -> :error end end else _ -> :error end end @spec set_event_id(t()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, Jason.EncodeError.t()} def set_event_id(event) do with {:ok, event_id} <- generate_event_id(event) do {:ok, %Event{event | event_id: event_id}} end end @spec generate_event_id(t()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, Jason.EncodeError.t()} defp generate_event_id(event) do with {:ok, hash} <- calculate_reference_hash(event) do {:ok, "$" <> MatrixServer.encode_url_safe_base64(hash)} end end @spec calculate_reference_hash(t()) :: {:ok, binary()} | {:error, Jason.EncodeError.t()} defp calculate_reference_hash(event) do redacted_event = event |> redact() |> Map.drop([:unsigned, :signature, :age_ts]) with {:ok, json} <- MatrixServer.encode_canonical_json(redacted_event) do {:ok, :crypto.hash(:sha256, json)} end end end