defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Federation.AuthenticateServer do import MatrixServerWeb.Error alias MatrixServer.{SigningKey, ServerKeyInfo} @auth_header_regex ~r/^X-Matrix origin=(?.*),key="(?.*)",sig="(?.*)"$/ def authenticate(%Plug.Conn{ body_params: body_params, req_headers: headers, request_path: path, method: method, query_string: query_string }) do object_to_sign = %{ uri: path <> "?" <> URI.decode_www_form(query_string), method: method, destination: MatrixServer.server_name() } object_to_sign = if method != "GET", do: Map.put(object_to_sign, :content, body_params), else: object_to_sign object_fun = &Map.put(object_to_sign, :origin, &1) authenticate_with_headers(headers, object_fun) end defp authenticate_with_headers(headers, object_fun) do # TODO: Only query once per origin. headers |> parse_authorization_headers() |> Enum.find(:error, fn {origin, _, sig} -> object = object_fun.(origin) with {:ok, raw_sig} <- MatrixServer.decode_base64(sig), {:ok, encoded_object} <- MatrixServer.encode_canonical_json(object), {:ok, %ServerKeyInfo{signing_keys: keys}} <- ServerKeyInfo.with_fresh_signing_keys(origin) do Enum.find_value(keys, false, fn %SigningKey{signing_key: signing_key} -> with {:ok, decoded_key} <- MatrixServer.decode_base64(signing_key) do MatrixServer.sign_verify(raw_sig, encoded_object, decoded_key) else _ -> false end end) else _ -> false end end) end def parse_authorization_headers(headers) do headers |> Enum.filter(&(elem(&1, 0) == "authorization")) |> {_, auth_header} -> Regex.named_captures(@auth_header_regex, auth_header) end) |> Enum.reject(&Kernel.is_nil/1) |> %{"origin" => origin, "key" => key, "sig" => sig} -> {origin, key, sig} end) |> Enum.filter(fn {_, key, _} -> String.starts_with?(key, "ed25519:") end) end defmacro __using__(opts) do except = Keyword.get(opts, :except) || [] quote do def action(conn, _) do action = action_name(conn) if action not in unquote(except) do case MatrixServerWeb.Federation.AuthenticateServer.authenticate(conn) do {origin, _key, _sig} -> conn = Plug.Conn.assign(conn, :origin, origin) apply(__MODULE__, action, [conn, conn.params]) :error -> put_error(conn, :unauthorized, "Signature verification failed.") end else apply(__MODULE__, action, [conn, conn.params]) end end end end end