defmodule ArchitexWeb.Client.RoomController do use ArchitexWeb, :controller import ArchitexWeb.Error import Ecto.Query alias Architex.{Repo, Room, RoomServer, Event} alias Architex.Types.UserId alias ArchitexWeb.Client.Request.{CreateRoom, Kick, Ban, Messages} alias Plug.Conn @doc """ Create a new room with various configuration options. Action for POST /_matrix/client/r0/createRoom. """ def create(%Conn{assigns: %{account: account}} = conn, params) do with {:ok, request} <- CreateRoom.parse(params) do case Room.create(account, request) do {:ok, room_id} -> conn |> put_status(200) |> json(%{room_id: room_id}) {:error, :authorization} -> put_error(conn, :invalid_room_state) {:error, :alias} -> put_error(conn, :room_in_use, "The requested alias is already in use.") {:error, :unknown} -> put_error(conn, :unknown) end else _ -> put_error(conn, :bad_json) end end @doc """ This API returns a list of the user's current rooms. Action for GET /_matrix/client/r0/joined_rooms. """ def joined_rooms(%Conn{assigns: %{account: account}} = conn, _params) do joined_room_ids = account |> Ecto.assoc(:joined_rooms) |> select([jr], |> Repo.all() conn |> put_status(200) |> json(%{joined_rooms: joined_room_ids}) end @doc """ This API invites a user to participate in a particular room. Action for POST /_matrix/client/r0/rooms/{roomId}/invite. """ def invite(%Conn{assigns: %{account: account}} = conn, %{ "room_id" => room_id, "user_id" => user_id }) do with {:ok, user_id_struct} <- UserId.cast(user_id), {:ok, pid} <- RoomServer.get_room_server(room_id) do {avatar_url, displayname} = UserId.try_get_user_information(user_id_struct) case RoomServer.invite(pid, account, user_id, avatar_url, displayname) do :ok -> conn |> send_resp(200, []) |> halt() {:error, _} -> put_error(conn, :unknown) end else :error -> put_error(conn, :invalid_param, "Given user ID is invalid.") {:error, :not_found} -> put_error(conn, :not_found, "The given room was not found.") end end def invite(conn, _), do: put_error(conn, :missing_param) @doc """ This API starts a user participating in a particular room, if that user is allowed to participate in that room. Action for POST /_matrix/client/r0/rooms/{roomId}/join. TODO: third_party_signed """ def join(%Conn{assigns: %{account: account}} = conn, %{"room_id" => room_id}) do case RoomServer.get_room_server(room_id) do {:ok, pid} -> case RoomServer.join(pid, account) do {:ok, room_id} -> conn |> put_status(200) |> json(%{room_id: room_id}) {:error, _} -> put_error(conn, :unknown) end {:error, :not_found} -> put_error(conn, :not_found, "The given room was not found.") end end @doc """ This API stops a user participating in a particular room. Action for POST /_matrix/client/r0/rooms/{roomId}/leave. """ def leave(%Conn{assigns: %{account: account}} = conn, %{"room_id" => room_id}) do case RoomServer.get_room_server(room_id) do {:ok, pid} -> case RoomServer.leave(pid, account) do :ok -> conn |> send_resp(200, []) |> halt() {:error, _} -> put_error(conn, :unknown) end {:error, :not_found} -> put_error(conn, :not_found, "The given room was not found.") end end @doc """ Kick a user from the room. Action for POST /_matrix/client/r0/rooms/{roomId}/kick. """ def kick(%Conn{assigns: %{account: account}} = conn, %{"room_id" => room_id} = params) do with {:ok, %Kick{user_id: user_id} = request} <- Kick.parse(params), {:ok, pid} <- RoomServer.get_room_server(room_id) do {avatar_url, displayname} = UserId.try_get_user_information(user_id) case RoomServer.kick(pid, account, request, avatar_url, displayname) do :ok -> conn |> send_resp(200, []) |> halt() {:error, _} -> put_error(conn, :unknown) end else {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} -> put_error(conn, :bad_json) {:error, :not_found} -> put_error(conn, :not_found, "Room not found.") end end @doc """ Ban a user in the room. Action for POST /_matrix/client/r0/rooms/{roomId}/ban. """ def ban(%Conn{assigns: %{account: account}} = conn, %{"room_id" => room_id} = params) do with {:ok, %Ban{user_id: user_id} = request} <- Ban.parse(params), {:ok, pid} <- RoomServer.get_room_server(room_id) do {avatar_url, displayname} = UserId.try_get_user_information(user_id) case RoomServer.ban(pid, account, request, avatar_url, displayname) do :ok -> conn |> send_resp(200, []) |> halt() {:error, _} -> put_error(conn, :unknown) end else {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} -> put_error(conn, :bad_json) {:error, :not_found} -> put_error(conn, :not_found, "Room not found.") end end @doc """ Unban a user from the room. Action for POST /_matrix/client/r0/rooms/{roomId}/unban. """ def unban(%Conn{assigns: %{account: account}} = conn, %{ "room_id" => room_id, "user_id" => user_id }) do with {:ok, user_id_struct} <- UserId.cast(user_id), {:ok, pid} <- RoomServer.get_room_server(room_id) do {avatar_url, displayname} = UserId.try_get_user_information(user_id_struct) case RoomServer.unban(pid, account, user_id, avatar_url, displayname) do :ok -> conn |> send_resp(200, []) |> halt() {:error, _} -> put_error(conn, :unknown) end else :error -> put_error(conn, :invalid_param, "Given user ID is invalid.") {:error, :not_found} -> put_error(conn, :not_found, "The given room was not found.") end end def unban(conn, _), do: put_error(conn, :missing_param) @doc """ This endpoint is used to send a message event to a room. Action for PUT /_matrix/client/r0/rooms/{roomId}/send/{eventType}/{txnId}. """ def send_message_event( %Conn{assigns: %{account: account, device: device}, body_params: body_params} = conn, %{ "room_id" => room_id, "event_type" => event_type, "txn_id" => txn_id } ) do case RoomServer.get_room_server(room_id) do {:ok, pid} -> case RoomServer.send_message_event(pid, account, device, event_type, body_params, txn_id) do {:ok, event_id} -> conn |> put_status(200) |> json(%{event_id: event_id}) {:error, _} -> put_error(conn, :unknown) end {:error, :not_found} -> put_error(conn, :not_found, "The given room was not found.") end end @doc """ State events can be sent using this endpoint. I don't know why, but the spec is very scared of trailing slashes and accidentally using a transaction ID as the state key. I take no precaution against these things, it's the responsibility of the client. Action for PUT /_matrix/client/r0/rooms/{roomId}/state/{eventType}/{stateKey}. """ def send_state_event(conn, %{"state_key" => [state_key | _]} = params) do do_send_state_event(conn, params, state_key) end def send_state_event(conn, params) do do_send_state_event(conn, params, "") end defp do_send_state_event( %Conn{assigns: %{account: account}, body_params: body_params} = conn, %{"room_id" => room_id, "event_type" => event_type}, state_key ) do # TODO: Check aliases according to spec. case RoomServer.get_room_server(room_id) do {:ok, pid} -> case RoomServer.send_state_event(pid, account, event_type, body_params, state_key) do {:ok, event_id} -> conn |> put_status(200) |> json(%{event_id: event_id}) {:error, _} -> put_error(conn, :unknown) end {:error, :not_found} -> put_error(conn, :not_found, "The given room was not found.") end end @doc """ This API returns a list of message and state events for a room. Action for GET /_matrix/client/r0/rooms/{roomId}/messages. """ def messages(%Conn{assigns: %{account: account}} = conn, %{"room_id" => room_id} = params) do with {:ok, request} <- Messages.parse(params) do room_query = account |> Ecto.assoc(:joined_rooms) |> where([r], == ^room_id) case do %Room{} = room -> {events, start, end_} = Room.get_messages(room, request) events =, &Event.Formatters.messages_response/1) data = %{chunk: events} data = if start, do: Map.put(data, :start, Integer.to_string(start)), else: data data = if end_, do: Map.put(data, :end, Integer.to_string(end_)), else: data conn |> put_status(200) |> json(data) nil -> put_error(conn, :forbidden, "You are not participating in this room.") end else {:error, _} -> put_error(conn, :bad_json) end end @doc """ Get the state events for the current state of a room. Action for GET /_matrix/client/r0/rooms/{roomId}/state. """ def get_state(%Conn{assigns: %{account: account}} = conn, %{"room_id" => room_id}) do case RoomServer.get_room_server(room_id) do {:ok, pid} -> case RoomServer.get_current_state(pid, account) do {:ok, events} -> events =, &Event.Formatters.state_response/1) conn |> put_status(200) |> json(events) :error -> put_error( conn, :forbidden, "You aren't a member of the room and weren't previously a member of the room." ) end {:error, :not_found} -> put_error(conn, :not_found, "The given room was not found.") end end @doc """ Looks up the contents of a state event in a room. Action for GET /_matrix/client/r0/rooms/{roomId}/state/{eventType}/{stateKey}. """ def get_state_event(conn, %{"state_key" => [state_key | _]} = params) do do_get_state_event(conn, params, state_key) end def get_state_event(conn, params) do do_get_state_event(conn, params, "") end defp do_get_state_event( %Conn{assigns: %{account: account}} = conn, %{"room_id" => room_id, "event_type" => event_type}, state_key ) do case RoomServer.get_room_server(room_id) do {:ok, pid} -> case RoomServer.get_state_event(pid, account, event_type, state_key) do {:ok, content} -> conn |> put_status(200) |> json(content) {:error, :unauthorized} -> put_error( conn, :forbidden, "You aren't a member of the room and weren't previously a member of the room." ) {:error, :not_found} -> put_error(conn, :not_found, "The room has no state with the given type or key.") end {:error, :not_found} -> put_error(conn, :not_found, "The given room was not found.") end end end