defmodule ArchitexWeb.Client.InfoController do use ArchitexWeb, :controller import ArchitexWeb.Error @supported_versions ["r0.6.1"] @doc """ Gets the versions of the specification supported by the server. Action for GET /_matrix/client/versions. """ def versions(conn, _params) do data = %{versions: @supported_versions} conn |> put_status(200) |> json(data) end def unrecognized(conn, _params) do put_error(conn, :unrecognized) end @doc """ Gets information about the server's supported feature set and other relevant capabilities. Action for GET /_matrix/client/r0/capabilities. """ def capabilities(conn, _params) do data = %{ capabilities: %{ "m.change_password": %{enabled: false}, "m.room_versions": %{ default: "5", available: %{"5": "stable"} } } } conn |> put_status(200) |> json(data) end end