defmodule ArchitexWeb.Client.SyncController do use ArchitexWeb, :controller import ArchitexWeb.Error import Ecto.Query alias Architex.{Repo, Event, Account, Room, JoinedRoom} alias Plug.Conn @doc """ Synchronise the client's state with the latest state on the server. Parameters: %{"filter" => "{\"account_data\":{},\"presence\":{},\"room\":{\"account_data\":{},\"ephemeral\":{},\"state\":{\"lazy_load_members\":true},\"timeline\":{\"limit\":100}}}", "path" => ["_matrix", "client", "r0", "sync"], "timeout" => "30000"} Action for GET /_matrix/client/r0/sync. """ # When no "since" is specified, return the most recent messages. def sync(%Conn{assigns: %{account: %Account{id: account_id}}} = conn, params) when not is_map_key(params, "since") do # joined_rooms = # account # |> Ecto.assoc(:joined_rooms) # |> Repo.all() # |> Enum.into(%{}, fn %Room{id: room_id} = room -> # {room_id, room} # end) events_per_room = Event |> join(:inner, [e], jr in JoinedRoom, on: jr.room_id == e.room_id and jr.account_id == ^account_id ) |> join(:inner, [e, jr], r in Room, on: == jr.room_id) |> order_by(asc: :origin_server_ts, asc: :nid) |> Repo.all() |> Enum.group_by(& &1.room_id) join = Enum.into(events_per_room, %{}, fn {room_id, [%Event{nid: first_nid} | _] = events} -> joined_room = %{ timeline: %{ events:, &Event.Formatters.sync_response/1), limited: false, prev_batch: Integer.to_string(first_nid) } } {room_id, joined_room} end) next_batch =, fn {_, events} -> %Event{nid: last_nid} = List.last(events) last_nid end) |> Enum.max(fn -> 0 end) data = %{ next_batch: Integer.to_string(next_batch), rooms: %{ join: join, invite: %{}, leave: %{} } } conn |> put_status(200) |> json(data) end # TODO: Long-poll for new incoming events. # Should think about how to implement this in a nice way. def sync(conn, _params), do: put_error(conn, :unknown, "Not implemented yet.") end