defmodule MatrixServer.RoomServer do use GenServer import Ecto.Query alias MatrixServer.{Repo, Room, Event, Account, StateResolution} alias MatrixServerWeb.API.CreateRoom @registry MatrixServer.RoomServer.Registry @supervisor MatrixServer.RoomServer.Supervisor def start_link(opts) do {name, opts} = Keyword.pop(opts, :name) GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, opts, name: name) end def create_room(input, account) do %Room{id: room_id} = room = Repo.insert!(Room.create_changeset(input)) opts = [ name: {:via, Registry, {@registry, room_id}}, input: input, account: account, room: room ] DynamicSupervisor.start_child(@supervisor, {__MODULE__, opts}) end @impl true def init(opts) do %Room{id: room_id} = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :room) input = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :input) account = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :account) Repo.transaction(fn -> with {:ok, state_set} <- insert_create_room_event(account, input, room_id) do {:ok, %{room_id: room_id, state_set: state_set}} end end) end defp insert_create_room_event( %Account{localpart: localpart}, %CreateRoom{room_version: room_version}, room_id ) do create_room_event = Event.create_room(room_id, MatrixServer.get_mxid(localpart), room_version) verify_and_insert_event(create_room_event) {:ok, %{}} end defp verify_and_insert_event(event) do # Check the following things: # 1. TODO: Is a valid event, otherwise it is dropped. # 2. TODO: Passes signature checks, otherwise it is dropped. # 3. TODO: Passes hash checks, otherwise it is redacted before being processed further. # 4. Passes authorization rules based on the event's auth events, otherwise it is rejected. # 5. Passes authorization rules based on the state at the event, otherwise it is rejected. # 6. TODO: Passes authorization rules based on the current state of the room, otherwise it is "soft failed". if StateResolution.is_authorized_by_auth_events(event) do state_set = StateResolution.resolve(event, false) if StateResolution.is_authorized(event, state_set) do # TODO: Assume the event is a forward extremity, should check this actually. Room.update_forward_extremities(event) {:ok, event} = Repo.insert(event) {:ok, state_set} else {:error, :rejected} end else {:error, :rejected} end end def testing do account =!(from a in Account, limit: 1) create_room(%CreateRoom{}, account) end end