defmodule MatrixServerWeb.Federation.QueryController do use MatrixServerWeb, :controller use MatrixServerWeb.Federation.AuthenticateServer import MatrixServerWeb.Error import Ecto.Query alias MatrixServer.{Repo, Account} alias MatrixServer.Types.UserId defmodule ProfileRequest do use Ecto.Schema import Ecto.Changeset @primary_key false embedded_schema do field :user_id, UserId field :field, :string end def validate(params) do %__MODULE__{} |> cast(params, [:user_id, :field]) |> validate_required([:user_id]) |> validate_inclusion(:field, ["displayname", "avatar_url"]) |> then(fn %Ecto.Changeset{valid?: true} = cs -> {:ok, apply_changes(cs)} _ -> :error end) end end @doc """ Performs a query to get profile information, such as a display name or avatar, for a given user. Action for GET /_matrix/federation/v1/query/profile. """ def profile(conn, params) do with {:ok, %ProfileRequest{user_id: %UserId{localpart: localpart, domain: domain}}} <- ProfileRequest.validate(params) do if domain == MatrixServer.server_name() do case a in Account, where: a.localpart == ^localpart) do %Account{} -> # TODO: Return displayname and avatar_url when we implement them. conn |> put_status(200) |> json(%{}) nil -> put_error(conn, :not_found, "User does not exist.") end else put_error(conn, :not_found, "Wrong server name.") end else _ -> put_error(conn, :bad_json) end end end