# concourse-apprise-notifier [Concourse](https://concourse-ci.org/) resource type to send [Apprise](https://github.com/caronc/apprise) notifications. Code based on [github.com/mockersf/concourse-slack-notifier](https://github.com/mockersf/concourse-slack-notifier). Currently, only the [persistent storage solution](https://github.com/caronc/apprise-api#persistent-storage-solution) is supported (because that's what I use). ## Installing Add the following to our Concourse pipeline: ```yaml resource_types: - name: apprise type: registry-image source: repository: git.kun.is/pim/concourse-apprise-notifier ``` ## Source Configuration - `host`: _Required_. Base Apprise host URL. - `key`: _Required_. Notification key. ## Behaviour `check`: No operation. `in`: No operation. `out`: Send a message via Apprise. ### Parameters Check the official [Apprise documation](https://github.com/caronc/apprise-api#persistent-storage-solution) for more information. - `body`: _Required_. The body of the notification. - `title`: The title of the notification. - `type`: The type of the notification. - `tag`: The tags of the notification. - `format`: The format of the notification.