defmodule Morse.Worker do alias Circuits.GPIO @moduledoc """ Functions to control the signal lamp connected with GPIO. """ @sleep_short 200 @sleep_delay 400 @sleep_long 700 @sleep_pause 1000 @sleep_start 3000 @on 0 @off 1 @doc """ Signal the provided morse symbols using the GPIO. """ def signal do code = secret_code() code_length = length(code) update_progress(0, 100) {:ok, gpio} =, :output) GPIO.write(gpio, @off) Process.sleep(@sleep_start) code |> Enum.with_index() |> Enum.each(&signal_symbol(gpio, &1, code_length)) update_progress(100, 100) end defp signal_symbol(gpio, {?., _index}, _length) do GPIO.write(gpio, @on) Process.sleep(@sleep_short) GPIO.write(gpio, @off) Process.sleep(@sleep_delay) end defp signal_symbol(gpio, {?-, _index}, _length) do GPIO.write(gpio, @on) Process.sleep(@sleep_long) GPIO.write(gpio, @off) Process.sleep(@sleep_delay) end defp signal_symbol(_gpio, {? , index}, length) do Process.sleep(@sleep_pause) update_progress(index, length) end defp update_progress(index, length) do Morse.Server.update_progress(index / length * 100) end defp relay_pin() do Application.fetch_env!(:morse, :relay_pin) end defp secret_code do Application.fetch_env!(:morse, :morse_message) |> String.to_charlist() end end