2019-07-13 20:16:46 +02:00

43 lines
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## Add custom options here
## Distributed Erlang Options
## The cookie needs to be configured prior to vm boot for
## for read only filesystem.
-setcookie <%= @release.options[:cookie] %>
## Use Ctrl-C to interrupt the current shell rather than invoking the emulator's
## break handler and possibly exiting the VM.
# Allow time warps so that the Erlang system time can more closely match the
# OS system time.
+C multi_time_warp
## Load code at system startup
## See
-mode embedded
## Save the shell history between reboots
## See for additional options
-kernel shell_history enabled
## Enable heartbeat monitoring of the Erlang runtime system
-heart -env HEART_BEAT_TIMEOUT 30
## Start the Elixir shell
-user Elixir.IEx.CLI
## Enable colors in the shell
-elixir ansi_enabled true
## Options added after -extra are interpreted as plain arguments and can be
## retrieved using :init.get_plain_arguments(). Options before the "--" are
## interpreted by Elixir and anything afterwards is left around for other IEx
## and user applications.
-extra --no-halt
--dot-iex /etc/iex.exs