defmodule MIDITools.Player do use GenServer @moduledoc """ A GenServer for playing a schedule of MIDI commands at certain times. """ # Client API @doc """ Start the MIDI player. """ @spec start_link() :: GenServer.on_start() def start_link do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, nil, name: __MODULE__) end @doc """ Set the current schedule and total duration for the MIDI player. The duration makes sure the player plays a (potential) pause after the last midi command. """ @spec set_schedule(MIDITools.Schedule.t(), non_neg_integer()) :: :ok def set_schedule(schedule, duration) do, {:set_schedule, schedule, duration}) end @doc """ Play the current MIDI schedule from the start. """ @spec play() :: :ok def play do, :play) end @doc """ Set the player on repeat or not. """ @spec set_repeat(boolean()) :: :ok def set_repeat(repeat) when is_boolean(repeat) do, {:set_repeat, repeat}) end @doc """ Stop the player and cancel the pause. """ @spec stop_playing() :: :ok def stop_playing do, :stop_playing) end @doc """ Pause the player. See `MIDITools.Player.resume/0` for resuming playback. """ @spec pause() :: :ok | {:error, :already_paused | :not_started} def pause do, :pause) end @doc """ Resume playback on the player after it has been paused. """ @spec resume() :: :ok, {:error, :not_paused} def resume do, :resume) end # Server callbacks @impl GenServer def init(_arg) do {:ok, synth} = MIDISynth.start_link([]) {:ok, %{ timer: nil, schedule: [], schedule_left: [], start_time: nil, duration: 0, synth: synth, repeat: false, pause_time: nil }} end @impl GenServer def handle_call({:set_schedule, schedule, duration}, _from, state) do {:reply, :ok, %{state | schedule: schedule, schedule_left: schedule, duration: duration}} end def handle_call(:play, _from, %{timer: timer, schedule: schedule} = state) do if timer != nil do Process.cancel_timer(timer, info: false) end start_time = timer = start_timer(schedule, start_time) {:reply, :ok, %{state | timer: timer, start_time: start_time, schedule_left: schedule, pause_time: nil}} end def handle_call({:set_repeat, repeat}, _from, state) do {:reply, :ok, %{state | repeat: repeat}} end def handle_call(:stop_playing, _from, %{timer: timer} = state) do if timer != nil do Process.cancel_timer(timer, info: false) end {:reply, :ok, %{state | timer: nil, pause_time: nil}} end def handle_call(:pause, _from, %{pause_time: pause_time} = state) when pause_time != nil do {:reply, {:error, :already_paused}, state} end def handle_call(:pause, _from, %{timer: nil} = state) do {:reply, {:error, :not_started}, state} end def handle_call(:pause, _from, %{timer: timer} = state) do Process.cancel_timer(timer, info: false) pause_time = {:reply, :ok, %{state | timer: nil, pause_time: pause_time}} end def handle_call(:resume, _from, %{pause_time: nil} = state) do {:reply, {:error, :not_paused}, state} end def handle_call( :resume, _from, %{start_time: start_time, pause_time: pause_time, schedule_left: schedule_left} = state ) do time_since_pause = Timex.diff(, pause_time, :millisecond) start_time = DateTime.add(start_time, time_since_pause, :millisecond) timer = start_timer(schedule_left, start_time) {:reply, :ok, %{state | timer: timer, start_time: start_time, pause_time: nil}} end @impl GenServer def handle_info( :play, %{ schedule_left: schedule_left, start_time: start_time, synth: synth, duration: duration } = state ) do {timer, schedule_left} = play_next_command(schedule_left, start_time, duration, synth) {:noreply, %{state | timer: timer, schedule_left: schedule_left}} end def handle_info( :end, %{repeat: true, start_time: start_time, duration: duration, schedule: schedule} = state ) do start_time = DateTime.add(start_time, duration, :millisecond) timer = start_timer(schedule, start_time) {:noreply, %{state | start_time: start_time, timer: timer, schedule_left: schedule}} end def handle_info(:end, state) do {:noreply, %{state | timer: nil}} end # Private functions defp start_timer([], _start_time), do: nil defp start_timer([{offset, _command} | _], start_time) do next_time = DateTime.add(start_time, offset, :millisecond) delay = max(Timex.diff(next_time,, :millisecond), 0) Process.send_after(self(), :play, delay) end defp play_next_command([], start_time, duration, _synth) do end_time = DateTime.add(start_time, duration, :millisecond) delay = max(Timex.diff(end_time,, :millisecond), 0) timer = Process.send_after(self(), :end, delay) {timer, []} end defp play_next_command( [{offset, command} | next_schedule] = schedule_left, start_time, duration, synth ) do next_time = DateTime.add(start_time, offset, :millisecond) micro_diff = Timex.diff(next_time,, :microsecond) if micro_diff < 500 do # Play command, and try to play next command too. MIDISynth.midi(synth, command) play_next_command(next_schedule, start_time, duration, synth) else # Command is too far in the future, schedule next timer. delay = max(ceil(micro_diff / 1000), 0) timer = Process.send_after(self(), :play, delay) {timer, schedule_left} end end end