defmodule MIDITools.Event do @moduledoc """ Several musical events which can be converted to MIDI commands. All timings are in milliseconds. """ defmodule Note do @moduledoc """ An event which plays the given tone for the given timespan. """ defstruct channel: 0, tone: 0, start_time: 0, end_time: 0, velocity: 0 @spec new(, non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer(), MIDISynth.Command.velocity()) :: %Note{} def new(channel, tone, start_time, end_time, velocity) when start_time >= 0 and end_time > start_time do %__MODULE__{ channel: channel, tone: tone, start_time: start_time, end_time: end_time, velocity: velocity } end end defmodule ChangeProgram do @moduledoc """ An event which changes the current program of the given channel. """ defstruct channel: 0, time: 0, program: 0 @spec new(, non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()) :: %ChangeProgram{} def new(channel, time, program) do %__MODULE__{channel: channel, time: time, program: program} end end @typedoc """ A musical event. """ @type t :: %Note{} | %ChangeProgram{} @doc """ Converts the event to a list of MIDI commands. """ @spec convert(t()) :: [{non_neg_integer(), binary()}] def convert(%Note{ channel: channel, tone: tone, start_time: start_time, end_time: end_time, velocity: velocity }) do note_on = MIDISynth.Command.note_on(channel, tone, velocity) note_off = MIDISynth.Command.note_off(channel, tone) [{start_time, note_on}, {end_time, note_off}] end def convert(%ChangeProgram{channel: channel, time: time, program: program}) do change_program = MIDISynth.Command.change_program(channel, program) [{time, change_program}] end end