defmodule MIDITools.Player do use GenServer @moduledoc """ A GenServer for playing a schedule of MIDI commands at certain times. """ # Client API @doc """ Start the MIDI player. """ @spec start_link() :: GenServer.on_start() def start_link do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, nil, name: __MODULE__) end @doc """ Set the current schedule and total duration for the MIDI player. The list of events is internally converted to MIDI commands. If multiple events are scheduled on the same time, then they are executed in the same order as in the list. The duration makes sure the player plays a (potential) pause after the last midi command. """ @spec set_schedule([MIDITools.Event.t()], non_neg_integer()) :: :ok def set_schedule(events, duration) do schedule = convert_events(events), {:set_schedule, schedule, duration}) end @doc """ Play the current MIDI schedule from the start. """ @spec play() :: :ok def play do, :play) end @doc """ Set the player on repeat or not. """ @spec set_repeat(boolean()) :: :ok def set_repeat(repeat) when is_boolean(repeat) do, {:set_repeat, repeat}) end @doc """ Stop the player and cancel the pause. """ @spec stop_playing() :: :ok def stop_playing do, :stop_playing) end @doc """ Pause the player. See `MIDITools.Player.resume/0` for resuming playback. """ @spec pause() :: :ok | {:error, :already_paused | :not_started} def pause do, :pause) end @doc """ Resume playback on the player after it has been paused. """ @spec resume() :: :ok, {:error, :not_paused} def resume do, :resume) end # Server callbacks @impl GenServer def init(_arg) do {:ok, synth} = MIDISynth.start_link([]) {:ok, %{ timer: nil, schedule: [], schedule_left: [], start_time: nil, duration: 0, synth: synth, repeat: false, pause_time: nil }} end @impl GenServer def handle_call({:set_schedule, schedule, duration}, _from, state) do {:reply, :ok, %{state | schedule: schedule, schedule_left: schedule, duration: duration}} end def handle_call(:play, _from, %{timer: timer, schedule: schedule} = state) do if timer != nil do Process.cancel_timer(timer, info: false) end start_time = timer = start_timer(schedule, start_time) {:reply, :ok, %{state | timer: timer, start_time: start_time, schedule_left: schedule, pause_time: nil}} end def handle_call({:set_repeat, repeat}, _from, state) do {:reply, :ok, %{state | repeat: repeat}} end def handle_call(:stop_playing, _from, %{timer: timer} = state) do if timer != nil do Process.cancel_timer(timer, info: false) end {:reply, :ok, %{state | timer: nil, pause_time: nil}} end def handle_call(:pause, _from, %{pause_time: pause_time} = state) when pause_time != nil do {:reply, {:error, :already_paused}, state} end def handle_call(:pause, _from, %{timer: nil} = state) do {:reply, {:error, :not_started}, state} end def handle_call(:pause, _from, %{timer: timer} = state) do Process.cancel_timer(timer, info: false) pause_time = {:reply, :ok, %{state | timer: nil, pause_time: pause_time}} end def handle_call(:resume, _from, %{pause_time: nil} = state) do {:reply, {:error, :not_paused}, state} end def handle_call( :resume, _from, %{start_time: start_time, pause_time: pause_time, schedule_left: schedule_left} = state ) do time_since_pause = Timex.diff(, pause_time, :millisecond) start_time = DateTime.add(start_time, time_since_pause, :millisecond) timer = start_timer(schedule_left, start_time) {:reply, :ok, %{state | timer: timer, start_time: start_time, pause_time: nil}} end @impl GenServer def handle_info( :play, %{ schedule_left: schedule_left, start_time: start_time, synth: synth, duration: duration } = state ) do {timer, schedule_left} = play_next_command(schedule_left, start_time, duration, synth) {:noreply, %{state | timer: timer, schedule_left: schedule_left}} end def handle_info( :end, %{repeat: true, start_time: start_time, duration: duration, schedule: schedule} = state ) do start_time = DateTime.add(start_time, duration, :millisecond) timer = start_timer(schedule, start_time) {:noreply, %{state | start_time: start_time, timer: timer, schedule_left: schedule}} end def handle_info(:end, state) do {:noreply, %{state | timer: nil}} end # Private functions defp start_timer([], _start_time), do: nil defp start_timer([{offset, _command} | _], start_time) do next_time = DateTime.add(start_time, offset, :millisecond) delay = max(Timex.diff(next_time,, :millisecond), 0) Process.send_after(self(), :play, delay) end defp play_next_command([], start_time, duration, _synth) do end_time = DateTime.add(start_time, duration, :millisecond) delay = max(Timex.diff(end_time,, :millisecond), 0) timer = Process.send_after(self(), :end, delay) {timer, []} end defp play_next_command( [{offset, command} | next_schedule] = schedule_left, start_time, duration, synth ) do next_time = DateTime.add(start_time, offset, :millisecond) micro_diff = Timex.diff(next_time,, :microsecond) if micro_diff < 500 do # Play command, and try to play next command too. MIDISynth.midi(synth, command) play_next_command(next_schedule, start_time, duration, synth) else # Command is too far in the future, schedule next timer. delay = max(ceil(micro_diff / 1000), 0) timer = Process.send_after(self(), :play, delay) {timer, schedule_left} end end defp convert_events(events) do events |> Enum.flat_map(&MIDITools.Event.convert/1) |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn {time, midi}, acc -> Map.update(acc, time, midi, &<<&1::binary, midi::binary>>) end) |> Enum.sort() end end