{ pkgs, config, ... }: { imports = [ ./bash ./neovim ./firefox ./ssh ./syncthing ./alacritty ./keepassxc ./git ./direnv ./thunderbird ./fzf ]; home = { username = "pim"; homeDirectory = "/home/pim"; stateVersion = "23.05"; packages = with pkgs; [ moonlight-qt vlc nicotine-plus logseq signal-desktop telegram-desktop strawberry gimp libreoffice ]; }; programs = { home-manager.enable = true; chromium.enable = true; }; # Let home-manager manage the X session xsession = { enable = true; }; xdg.userDirs.enable = true; homeage = { identityPaths = [ "/home/pim/.ssh/age_ed25519" ]; installationType = "systemd"; file."sue_ed25519" = { source = ../secrets/sue_ed25519.age; symlinks = [ "${config.home.homeDirectory}/.ssh/sue_ed25519" ]; }; file."sue_azure_rsa" = { source = ../secrets/sue_azure_rsa.age; symlinks = [ "${config.home.homeDirectory}/.ssh/sue_azure_rsa" ]; }; file."syncthing-key.pem" = { source = ../secrets/syncthing-key.pem.age; symlinks = [ "${config.xdg.configHome}/syncthing/key.pem" ]; }; file."syncthing-cert.pem" = { source = ../secrets/syncthing-cert.pem.age; symlinks = [ "${config.xdg.configHome}/syncthing/cert.pem" ]; }; }; }