ED25519 host key for has changed and you have requested strict checking.
Host key verification failed.
Could it be that the programmers at OpenSSH simply like to annoy us with these confusing messages?
Maybe, but these warnings also serve as a way to notify users of a potential Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attack.
I won't go into the details of this problem, but I refer you to [this excellent blog post](https://blog.g3rt.nl/ssh-host-key-validation-strict-yet-user-friendly.html).
Instead, I would like to talk about ways to solve these annoying warnings.
One obvious solution is simply to add each host to your `known_hosts` file.
This works okay when managing a handful of servers, but becomes unbearable when managing many servers.
In my case, I wanted to quickly spin up virtual machines using Duncan Mac-Vicar's [Terraform Libvirt provider](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/dmacvicar/libvirt/latest/docs), without having to accept their host key before connecting.
The solution? Issuing SSH host certificates using an SSH certificate authority.
## SSH Certificate Authorities vs. the Web
The idea of an SSH certificate authority (CA) is quite easy to grasp, if you understand the web's Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).
Just like with the web, a trusted party can issue certificates that are offered when establishing a connection.
The idea is, just by trusting the trusted party, you trust every certificate they issue.
In the case of the web's PKI, this trusted party is bundled and trusted by [your browser](https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA) or operating system.
However, in the case of SSH, the trusted party is you! (Okay you can also trust your own web certificate authority)
With this great power, comes great responsibility which we will abuse heavily in this article.
## SSH Certificate Authority for Terraform
So, let's start with a plan.
I want to spawn virtual machines with Terraform which which are automatically provisioned with a SSH host certificate issued by my CA.
This CA will be another host on my private network, issuing certificates over SSH.